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The One Where Chandler Takes a Bath

‘The One Where Chandler Takes a Bath’

Season 8, Episode 13 - Aired January 17, 2002

As Joey is driven crazy by his feelings for Rachel, Chandler and Monica get the impression he's infatuated with Phoebe. Meanwhile, Rachel and Ross debate names for their baby, and Chandler takes a shine to baths.

Quote from Ross

Ross: But it wouldn't hurt to have a backup, you know? Rach. Rach, what were you thinking?
Rachel: Okay. I was thinking if it's a girl how about Sandrene? It's French.
Ross: Huh. That's a really pretty name for an industrial solvent.


Quote from Chandler

Monica: I'm telling you, if you had some candles, and some bubbles, and some music, you would love it. It'd take all your stress away.
Chandler: Honey, it's 2:00 on Wednesday and I'm watching "Road Rules". How stressed do you think I am?

Quote from Chandler

Joey: It's just- Lately, I've been feeling- Okay, here's what it is. ... You know what, I feel a lot better. Thanks.
Chandler: Wait a minute. Just come back.
Joey: Okay. You and Monica, friends for a long time. And sure, there are rules. But then you went to London. But that's different. I mean, there are rules there too, know what I mean?
Chandler: Do you?
Joey: It was different for you guys. I mean, you were both in the same place.
Chandler: In London?
Joey: Yeah.
Chandler: Yes, when Monica and I were in London, we were both in London.
Joey: You know what, this is a bad idea. Forget it. Forget all about it. And do me a favor, this conversation between you and me...
Chandler: If that.

Quote from Phoebe

Phoebe: Are you going to find out the sex of the baby?
Ross: No, no. We talked about it and we don't wanna know. All we care about is it's happy and healthy.
Rachel: Yep, happy and healthy. And cute.
Ross: Smart.
Rachel: Popular.
Ross: With an aptitude for science.
Phoebe: Are you two talking about the same baby?

Quote from Rachel

Rachel: What do you have?
Ross: It's for a boy. I know it's a little out there, but Darwin.
Rachel: Oh, my God, our child will be beaten to death in the schoolyard.
Phoebe: Yeah, by Sandrene.

Quote from Ross

Ross: You're just saying that because I said no to your name.
Rachel: I'm really, really not.
Phoebe: How about you each get five vetoes?
Rachel: All right.
Ross: All right. That sounds fair.
Rachel: I don't think you're going to need it, though. Check this out. If it's a girl, Rain.
Ross: Veto.
Rachel: Why?
Ross: Rain? "Hi, my name is Rain. I have my own kiln, and my dress is made out of wheat."
Phoebe: I know her! I bought homemade soap from her at a Dead show.

Quote from Rachel

Ross: Okay. How about for a guy, Thatcher?
Rachel: Ross, why do you hate our child?
Ross: Fine, you go.
Rachel: Okay. James.
Ross: Huh.
Rachel: But only if it's a girl.
Ross: Veto. Oh, I like Ruth. What about Ruth?
Rachel: Oh, I'm sorry. Are we having an 89-year-old?

Quote from Rachel

Dr. Long: All your tests look fine. Now, are you two interested knowing in the sex of the baby?
Ross: No. No, we're not.
Rachel: But you have it right there? You could tell us whether it's a boy or a girl? Dayton or Sandrene? Phoebe or Pheebo?
Dr. Long: That's right. But if you don't wanna know-
Ross: No, we wanna wait. Right?
Rachel: Right. Right.
Dr. Long: Oh, I'll be right back. And I know it's really not my place, but please don't name your child Pheebo.

Quote from Chandler

Monica: Baths are so relaxing.
Chandler: Really? What do you do? You just sit in there, stewing in your own filth.
Monica: How dirty do you think I am?

Quote from Chandler

Joey: Hey, Chandler. You got a minute? I really need to talk to you.
Chandler: Oh, yeah. Is this a cold pizza or a leftover-meat loaf talk?
Joey: Well, neither.
Chandler: Oh, my God, what's up?

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