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The One After Ross Says Rachel

‘The One After Ross Says Rachel’

Season 5, Episode 1 - Aired September 24, 1998

After Ross mistakenly said Rachel's name at his wedding, he tries to patch things up with Emily. Meanwhile, Chandler and Monica are desperate to hook up again while they're still on foreign soil, and Rachel wonders whether she should talk to Ross about him saying her name at the altar.

Quote from Monica

Monica: Well, maybe it's best we never got to do it again.
Chandler: Yeah, it kind of makes that one night special. You know, technically, we still are over international waters.
Monica: I'm going to go to the bathroom. Maybe I'll see you there in a bit?


Quote from Phoebe

Joey: All right, I'm going to go say hi to the chick and duck.
Phoebe: Ooh, me too.
Joey: Why would you need to say hi to them? You've been feeding them for four days.
Phoebe: Oh, right. Maybe I'll just go home.

Quote from Ross

Ross: Am I a complete idiot for thinking she'd actually show up?
Rachel: You're not an idiot, Ross. You're a guy very much in love.
Ross: Same difference.

Quote from Ross

Ross: Why don't you come? I mean, I have two tickets. Why not?
Rachel: Well, I don't know, Ross. Really?
Ross: Yeah. It'd be great. I mean, you can- You can lay on the beach and I can cry over my failed marriage. You see how I make jokes?

Quote from Joey

Joey: You and me, next dance?
Judy Geller: Sorry, dear, I only dance when I'm drunk.
Joey: Want me to get you something?

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