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The Three Faces of Frasier

‘The Three Faces of Frasier’

Season 7, Episode 21 - Aired May 4, 2000

As Frasier deals with the health complaints of middle age and a sagging radio career, he is honored with his caricature on the wall of a local restaurant.

Quote from Niles

Niles: You tricked me!
Frasier: We'll just be here long enough for me to talk to Stefano, convince him to change the picture so it doesn't mock me for the rest of my life.
Niles: Frasier, the man has a violent temper. He's already made me humiliate myself once.


Quote from Niles

Stefano: Okay, here we are, antipasto.
Frasier: Oh, well, that's wonderful Stefano. You know, you certainly do have a way of making people feel comfortable. You know, I suspect that it would actually physically pain you to think that someone wasn't totally pleased.
Stefano: What's wrong?
Niles: [shakes his head, grumbles]
Frasier: Well, actually, there is a tiny, tiny problem. Really, it's about my picture, you see. There is a small faction that thinks the forehead is too large.
Stefano: [points to Niles] What, this one?
Niles: No, I love it! [holds back sick]

Quote from Frasier

Stefano: Okay, Dr. Crane. Hot off the easle, is this one more to your liking?
Frasier: Oh, my.
Stefano: Is it better?
Frasier: Well, it's like looking in a mirror.
Stefano: You know, this is the first time that anybody has ever asked for a change! Oh, beautiful. You make me so happy. I'll go and see how the steaks are coming.
Frasier: Thank you.

Quote from Kenny

Kenny: Well, I guess I can go and sit down now. My father-in-law just picked up the check.

Quote from Frasier

Stefano: You know, there's something that's been bugging me all night. Hey, shove over, will you? [to Niles] I know you from some place and I can't figure out where, and it's driving me potso! So, we gotta figure this out together, okay? You and me, all right?
Frasier: You know, while the two of you are strolling down memory lane, I have a quick errand I have to run. I tell you what, save some dessert for me. [rushes off]
Niles: Frasier! Frasier!

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Okay, fine. I'm looking for something manly, go easy on the forehead, and leave the kid out.

Quote from Niles

Niles: What's that?
Frasier: I went by Alice's birthday party. I had the artist there draw me some new sketches. There, what do you think?
Niles: I think you're insane.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Niles, it's not so crazy. Just imagine. Suppose that picture there should accidentally drop to the floor and tear. You see, I can come back here tomorrow, tell Stefano that I didn't want to put his artist to any more trouble and I had a new caricature done myself. You see, I'm actually quite partial to this one here, but there is one in here of me playing soccer which is very good.
Niles: Frasier, we'll put these away, we'll pay the bill and we'll find a bed to strap you into.

Quote from Niles

Stefano: You. Hold on one second. Now I remember you.
Niles: Oh.
Stefano: Bridgeport, Connecticut.
Niles: ... Yes, yes.
Stefano: Right? My car got stuck in the rain and you saved my ass.
Niles: Yes, well it was nothing. I'm glad you remember.
Stefano: Let me show you how we thank you where I come from.
[Stefano kisses Niles on both cheeks, pulls him tight for a hug and repeatedly slaps his back.]

Quote from Daphne

Roz: So is Donny going to be joining us?
Daphne: No, he's got wedding business this afternoon. He's composing our vows.
Roz: Oh, isn't that romantic.
Daphne: He's not exactly Wordsworth strolling through a shady glen. When I left, he was lying on the couch in his underwear with a tin of Vienna sausages and a rhyming dictionary on his chest.

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