Niles Quote #1487

Quote from Niles in To Thine Old Self Be True

Roz: Would you knock it off. What is so amazing?
Niles: All right, come here, come here.
Niles: Right, you see that rotund woman coming out of "Chock Full Of Donuts"?
Frasier: Uh-huh.
Roz: Yeah.
Niles: Watch. Before she gets in her car she will finish that bear claw and then go back in. This is her third time.
Frasier: That's what you brought us over here for? To gawk at some poor woman's struggle with junk food?
Roz: Big deal. So she's overweight, you don't need to point it out.
Roz: It's rude.
Frasier: It's childish.
Niles: It's Maris!


Features in the collection: The Maris Crane Files.

‘The Maris Crane Files’

Quote from Frasier in The Good Son

Niles: Of course, I can't take care of him.
Frasier: Oh, yes, of course. Of course. Why?
Niles: Because Dad doesn't get along with Maris.
Frasier: Who does?
Niles: I thought you liked my Maris.
Frasier: I do. I like her from a distance. You know, the way you like the sun. Maris is like the sun, except without the warmth.

Quote from Niles in The Seal Who Came to Dinner

Niles: Let's get some lights on. [claps]
Frasier: Good Lord, what the hell is that?
Niles: Maris had it made after she lost power in a storm. Battery operated, works on a clapper so you can find it in the dark. Only problem was, the poor thing, try as she might, could never clap hard enough to activate it.

 ‘To Thine Old Self Be True’ Quotes

Quote from Martin

Martin: It's not here yet.
Frasier: How did you even-
Martin: You've been yakking about it for weeks. Your new blazer's coming. It's Italian, it's hand-stitched, it cost more money than my first car.
Frasier: Yes, well, it's made from very expensive material. They have to find exactly the right kind of goat.
Martin: Looks like they did.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: It's hard to believe that's the same frail woman who once sprained her wrist from having too much dip on a cracker.

Quote from Roz

Frasier: You know, just this morning, Donny said I was too fussy to throw him a bachelor party.
Roz: Well, you did give off kinda a fussy vibe.
Frasier: You know, there are other sides to my personality. I remember back in my Boston days, you know, I mean, I had a regular bar and a regular bar stool. I even had a tab!
Roz: Well, if you go back you should try having a beer.