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Season 9, Episode 14 -  Aired January 22, 2002

Frasier is ambushed when he appears on a teen-oriented radio program. Meanwhile, Niles tries to do something romantic and spontaneous for Daphne.

Quote from Frasier

Kenny: Emily Crowther. Dr. Frasier Crane.
Frasier: Hello, Emily.
Emily: Pleased to meet you, Dr. Crane. I look forward to having you on our show.
Frasier: Well, technically, I haven't agreed to do it yet. You see, I had a rather bad experience on Teen Scene the last time.
Emily: Are you familiar with the new Teen Scene?
Frasier: Well, uh, no, actually I'm not.
Emily: Well then you don't know that we do hard-hitting journalism with a youthful bent. Of course, it's not nearly as distinguished as your show, which I adore.
Frasier: Really?
Kenny: Big fan!
Emily: Dr. Crane, may I be frank? Having you on our show would be - in your own words - "a great boon" to us.
Frasier: A boon. Do you really think so?


Quote from Niles

Niles: Hello, Roz.
Roz: Hey, Niles. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be out buying Daphne another pair of earrings?
Niles: Oh. Please, don't make me feel any worse.
Roz: Actually, I thought it was sweet.
Niles: Well, I feel just awful.
Roz: You want to know what I would do?
Niles: [hesitating] Oh, what the hell. [sits down]

Quote from Martin

Daphne: Oh, good. I thought you were going to miss Dr. Crane on the radio.
Martin: How many times a day is that guy on?

Quote from Martin

Martin: Did I get a call from a girl today?
Daphne: You mean Peg?
Martin: Or any girl. Or Peg. Did Peg call?
Daphne: No. It's been a few days, hasn't it?
Martin: I really thought she'd try to spring that relationship stuff on me. Well, I guess I misjudged her.
Daphne: Unless she didn't like her free sample.
Martin: I think we can rule that out. When a lady gets the full Marty Crane treatment, she doesn't forget it.
Daphne: And Peg got the Full Marty?
Martin: I never give anything less. So, yeah, I guess I am a little surprised she hasn't called. I mean, mostly relieved, of course, but... also surprised.
Daphne: Don't feel bad. Maybe you had an off night.
Martin: Anything's possible, I suppose.

Quote from Martin

Daphne: [answering the phone] Hello? Oh, yes he is! One moment please.
Martin: Hola! Uh-huh. Oh, I think that would be fine. Thursday at 9:00? See you then. [hangs up]
Daphne: Well, look who's suddenly in a relationship.
Martin: Shows you what you know. That was the dentist.

Quote from Martin

Martin: Well, hi, Peg! Geez, I didn't know you were working the graveyard tonight.
Peg: All this month. What brings you here?
Martin: Actually, I was in the neighborhood, and I wanted to make sure they'd fixed that elevator camera. But see, I thought Rich was on tonight, which explains why I didn't know you'd be here.
Peg: Right. Well, it's fixed.
Martin: Well, that's good. [awkward silence] Somebody broke it.

Quote from Frasier

Kirby: Way to go, Dr. Crane. That was sweet.
Frasier: I'm not exactly proud of myself, Kirby.
Kirby: Oh, you should be, man, those dinks brought it on themselves. They were, like, "We're gonna get this old dude!" and then you were, like, "Old dude! Say what?"and then they were like "Wham bam!... [mock fight noises]
Frasier: Well said, Kirby.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: By the way, how did you dig up all that stuff?
Kirby: Uh, let's just say I've got a few operatives who were, uh, held back.
Frasier: Ah.
Kirby: Hey, you know, why don't you and I continue this conversation over a... a cheeseburger or some such.
Frasier: I'd like that very much.

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