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Desperately Seeking Closure

‘Desperately Seeking Closure’

Season 5, Episode 8 - Aired December 9, 1997

After Sam breaks things off with Frasier, he is obsessed with figuring out what about him she did not like.

Quote from Daphne

Frasier: All right, Daphne, it's your turn. Don't be shy.
Daphne: Well, if I had to choose, I'd say you are a bit of a fussbudget.
Frasier: Fussbudget. Well, all right, listen, if you don't mind the substitution, I think maybe "demanding" is more the mot juste.
Daphne: Pretentious.


Quote from Frasier

Niles: Oh, snippy.
Frasier: Snippy.
Daphne: Sarcastic.
Martin: Bossy.
Niles: Huffy.
Roz: Vain.
[They all share their appreciation for Roz's suggestion]
Frasier: Oh, how nice we've finally found an activity we all enjoy together.

Quote from Niles

Roz: Frasier, why don't you just admit what you're doing here. This isn't some "help-me-be-a-better-person"
thing. You're trying to figure out what you can fix so you can win Sam back.
Frasier: Oh, now, Roz, that's preposterous.
Roz: Look who you're talking to. I've been down this road so many times, I call it "The Roz Expressway".
Niles: I've heard that phrase before but in a slightly different context.

Quote from Roz

Frasier: Well, all right, maybe there is some truth in what you say. I mean, after all, Sam is really quite a catch, why wouldn't I want to get her back?
Roz: But you shouldn't change yourself just to please her. It's not healthy and it doesn't work. If it did, Steve
Wilson would be my husband and not just some name tattooed on my butt.

Quote from Martin

Martin: Oh, don't worry about it Frasier. You'll be fine, you'll bounce back. You're tough.
Roz: And resourceful.
Niles: Resilient.
Martin: Optimistic.
Niles: Tenacious.
Daphne: Conceited.
Martin: Different list, Daph.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Oh, all right, so I don't rhapsodize about her.
Niles: No, you did rhapsodize when she took you to "Le Cigare Volant" and you were seated in a secret VIP room we never knew existed.
Frasier: Well, what are you suggesting? That I'm so shallow I was with her mainly for her connections?
Niles: I wouldn't put it as harshly as that. But let's face it, ever since we were young, you've had a yearning to run with the cool kids and it's never worked out for you. Your one day on the football team? The summer you bought that motorcycle. Although, to be accurate...
Frasier: Hey, it's only a moped if you pedal it and I never pedaled!

Quote from Frasier

Niles: Oh, you know what. Why don't we stop by L' Escalier on our way to dinner. You can just run in and tell her in person.
Frasier: Even better. God, Niles, I can't tell you helpful this has been. Really, how can I ever repay you?
Niles: You can start by getting me into that VIP room at Le Cigare Volant. Where is the entrance? By the cigarette machine?
Frasier: No, that's just a decoy. It's through the dry cleaner's next door.

Quote from Niles

Niles: Welcome back. I trust you and Samantha had a pleasant weekend?
Frasier: Oh, God, it was fabulous. We stayed at this gorgeous cabin just outside Aspen. We took a chopper every morning to the top of the mountain. God, I just didn't want it to end.
Niles: That would explain why you're still wearing that ridiculous jacket in an over-heated café.

Quote from Niles

Niles: Damn, they put nutmeg on this.
Frasier: Oh, speaking of Meg. Meg Ryan told me the most delightful story about practical joke Tony Hopkins played on Jodie at the wrap party for the "Lambs".
Niles: My stomach lining is just not going to get a break today, is it?

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: As I recall, that's what you ordered on our first date. Course, it wasn't food that you were craving that night. You whisked me away back to my place before the crab cakes could even arrive. You know, there's no better way to celebrate an anniversary than with a historical re-enactment. I've got my costume on underneath.
Sam: Actually, I'm really looking forward to those crab cakes.
Frasier: Oh, great. Well, yes, yes, I suppose we should try the food here once. Well, be sure to leave some room, you're bound to find a little Frasier-mint on your pillow when we get home.

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