Bob 'Bulldog' Briscoe Quotes     Page 12 of 14    

Quote from Shutout in Seattle

Bulldog: I don't believe it. They just fired me.
Frasier: What?
Bulldog: Yeah. They said my ratings are low. The show's losing its edge. I'm getting soft. My last day's Friday.
Frasier: Oh, Bulldog, I'm so sorry. Are you all right?
Bulldog: No, I'm not. [hitting the counter weakly] This stinks. This is total B.S. [breaking into tears] You don't think I'm getting soft, do you?
Frasier: No, no, not at all. [handing him a tissue] Here.
Bulldog: [blowing his nose] I just thank God I got a girlfriend like you, Roz. I don't think I can face this alone.


Quote from The Dog That Rocks the Cradle

Bulldog: Hey, look who's here. Hey, sweet pea, you are getting so big. Hey, look at that smile, she likes me.
Roz: She's relieved not to be the least mature person in the room anymore.
Bulldog: Who's got a mean old mommy?

Quote from The Dog That Rocks the Cradle

Bulldog: [feeding Alice] Okay, one more bite, then we can watch Sports Center.

Quote from The Dog That Rocks the Cradle

Bulldog: I guess no one quite measured up to that week you spent in the doghouse, huh?
Roz: Let's get one thing straight. That little fling we had...
Bulldog: I know, I know, I know. I was joking.

Quote from The Dog That Rocks the Cradle

Bulldog: [to Alice] Okay. If you're not going to have some peaches, we've got some jello in the fridge. You know, some naughty ladies like to wrestle in that stuff.

Quote from The Dog That Rocks the Cradle

Bulldog: Hey.
Steven: Oh. Excuse me, is this Roz Doyle's apartment?
Bulldog: Yeah, yeah. Are you her date?
Steven: Yeah.
Bulldog: Listen up, if you go out with Roz tonight, I will rip off your arm, ram it down your throat and use it to squeeze your heart until it stops beating. [to Alice] Who's my pretty girl? [grabs Steve] Okay, dirtball. As soon as you get out of here, you call Roz and you cancel like a gentleman. As far as she's concerned, this conversation never took place. Got it?
Steven: Who are you?
Bulldog: I'm your worse nightmare, the babysitter!

Quote from The Dog That Rocks the Cradle

Bulldog: Whoa!
Roz: Do I look slutty?
Bulldog: All right, if you're fishing for compliments, yeah, you look slutty.

Quote from The Dog That Rocks the Cradle

Bulldog: Well, I guess I can go. Oh, I ordered a pizza. Just have him drop it by my place. Oh, I'm at the YMCA. Oh, have him knock hard, I turn up the radio to drown out the sirens.

Quote from The Dog That Rocks the Cradle

Roz: Come and tell us what you guys did at the park today.
Bulldog: We fed the ducks! We went on a pony ride and then came back for a whole jar of peas.
Roz: Peas? How'd you get her to eat those?
Bulldog: Oh, there's a trick to it. You've got to pretend to sneeze them out of your nose.
Roz: How did you come up with that?
Bulldog: It's an interesting story.
Roz: Actually, don't tell me.

Quote from The Dog That Rocks the Cradle

Bulldog: Okay, what sorry bastard would steal a pacifier from a kid? This stinks! This is total B.S.! This is- Oh, found it. Found it.

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