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Season 5, Episode 3 - Aired October 9, 2000

Frank and Marie find a new way to barge into Ray and Debra's house.

Quote from Ray

Frank: What are you talking about? I'm not going to pay anything. The wallpaper's fine.
Ray: I want it the same! Do you hear me?! Exactly! Exactly the same! And I mean exactly the same! You can only push a man so far!
Debra: Hey, it's not that big of a deal. Calm down.
Ray: Traitor! You can never talk to me about my parents again, because in this case, you are the backer-downer!
Marie: This wallpaper looks just like the other wallpaper.
Ray: But it's not, Mom. It's not, okay? Here, come on, let's see. Come over here and look. See? Over here? Over here, thick, normal stripes. Now look over here. Thin, weird, disgusting stripes, okay? All right. I'm not gonna live like this. So, I think you and your husband should listen very carefully, all right? You are going to have to pay the difference. You understand?
Frank: Suck rope, pal.


Quote from Ray

Debra: So, hey, you know what? Let's use this event as an opportunity for all of us to learn how to how to talk things out. You know, so we don't let our feelings get bottled up inside to the point where they explode.
Marie: You're absolutely right. Frank, you're driving everybody crazy.
Ray: It's you too.
Marie: What? What did I ever do?
Ray: You're intrusive.
Debra: Interesting.
Marie: How am I intrusive?
Ray: Well, for example, there was that time you drove a car through the wall.

Quote from Ray

Ray: Okay, so it's not always the car, but but it's always you. You just you never stop. You're always barging in here.
Marie: I do not barge in.
Ray: You do! You do, you barge in here.
Debra: Ray, wait, let's try to use nice words.
Ray: You're always coming over. Sticking your-
Debra: Nice!
Ray: And staying a long time.
Marie: Well, why don't you just say something?
Ray: I want to say something. But sometimes, I get the feeling that you don't listen. And then you do something like rear-end our couch. And I want to say something then too, but I know that you're not gonna listen. And Dad is not gonna wanna pay. And I know Debra's gonna get mad at me because I didn't say anything. But you have to know that I'm always this close to saying something. This close. And there it is. So that's what happened today.

Quote from Robert

Robert: I told the kids to leave the back door open so you get that nice cross-ventilation going.

Quote from Frank

Ray: That's it, get outta the house.
Marie: Raymond!
Ray: I said get out. Get out. Here, the both of you. Take your damn cannolis with you.
Marie: Oh, Raymond!
Ray: Out! Out!
Frank: This is how you talk to a father? And her?

Quote from Frank

Frank: Let's go, Marie! One less funeral we gotta go to!
Marie: Frank, we're older than them.
Frank: Fine! Then don't come to my funeral!
Ray: I'm coming. I'm coming. I'll be the one doing this... [dances] yeah.

Quote from Marie

Marie: This is your father's fault.
Frank: What are you talking about? I was saying stop.
Marie: I was stomping on the brakes, but nothing happened.
Debra: Oh, my God. Our house. Look at our house.
Ray: I know. I know. Ma, what the hell?
Marie: He knew about the brakes. What did the mechanic say about the brakes? Tell them.
Frank: Ah! Oh! Look at this! [picks up a shard of broken taillight]
Marie: The mechanic said that the brakes were bad.
Frank: Of course he's gonna say that. Every time I bring the car in he says the brakes are bad.
Marie: Well, I think the brakes are bad, Frank.

Quote from Ray

Ray: Wait a minute. What's up with the stripes?
Debra: No, they're okay. They're okay.
Ray: No, no. Look, these... These stripes, are they... Are they the same as these? These look like thinner stripes.
Debra: Yeah, I know, but it's close enough. You can't even tell.
Ray: Hmm, yeah, okay. [they briefly kiss] No, I can tell. I can tell. I can tell. Look at the old wall. These these thin stripes, they're thicker. It's not the same. It's not the same wallpaper. What's going on?
Debra: Nothing, the painter told me that they don't make our wallpaper anymore. And to reprint this one would have been really expensive.
Ray: Yeah, but this isn't the same.
Debra: But Ray, we would've had to pay more.
Ray: No, we wouldn't have. My father would've had to pay more.

Quote from Debra

Debra: No, we can't blame this on your father. I told the wallpaper guy that this was okay.
Ray: Well, why did you do that?
Debra: Because I didn't want to deal with your parents anymore.
Ray: Huh. So my father gets away with it and you're okay with that.
Debra: Yeah, I'm okay with this. I wasn't okay when they drove the car through the house, but you have to pick your battles.

Quote from Ray

Ray: What? I don't have the right to be angry?!
Debra: Yes, honey, everybody has the right to be angry. But, let's try something, okay? Maybe it would help us for now and in the future, for you to tell us in a calm and adult manner why you're really upset. Once and for all, Ray, tell them why.
Ray: It's the wallpaper. It's the wallpaper. The stripes are too thin and they were just gonna let it go like it doesn't matter.
Frank: He doesn't like his wallpaper.
Ray: No no, the wallpaper was the last straw!
Debra: Good! Good! See? There's the problem. You just said last straw, which means there's been a lot of other straws.
Ray: A lot of straws. There's a lot of straws.
Debra: Yeah, okay. Okay, so but you've just been keeping it all bottled up inside. Until just now when you went bananas about wallpaper.

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