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Everybody Hates Valentine's Day

‘Everybody Hates Valentine's Day’

Season 1, Episode 14 - Aired February 9, 2006

On Valentine's Day, Chris develops a crush on a girl on the bus. Meanwhile, Rochelle is concerned with all the attention Drew is getting, and Julius is shocked when Tonya says she has a boyfriend at school.

Quote from Rochelle

Rochelle: [answers phone] Hello?
Woman: Hey, is my valentine home yet?
Rochelle: No, Drew is still outside playing. Stop calling here! [hangs up]
Julius: [wakes up] What's wrong? What's wrong?
Rochelle: All these girls calling. It's getting on my nerves. I already have enough to deal with. Can you believe there's some maniac at the school threatening the kids? I've got to go pick them up from school today.
Julius: Well, at least Drew's there to protect Tonya.


Quote from Adult Chris

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Meanwhile, Drew had more girls than an Usher after-party.
Mrs. Johnson: Happy Valentine's Day, Drew.
Drew: Oh, thank you, Miss Johnson.

Quote from Julius

Rochelle: Drew, you got to return these cards to Miss Johnson. A 30-year-old married woman giving cards to my 11-year-old son.
Drew: What about the candy?
Julius: [mouth full] I think sending the cards back makes the point.

Quote from Adult Chris

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Giving the card to Tangee didn't work out, but I knew my mother would appreciate one.
Rochelle: Thank you, sweetie. You didn't have to give me a card. I already know that you love me. [opens card] Who the hell is Joy?
Father: Joy, are you dating a Black guy?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] She did, five years later.

Quote from Julius

Julius: You see all this right here? You see that? That's why Tonya don't need to be running around here talking about she got a boyfriend.
Rochelle: Julius, she's ten years old. He's just a boy in her class. It's not big deal.
Julius: Rochelle, do you watch the news? Girls are having babies at ten.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] And grandbabies at 20.
Rochelle: Drew is the one you need to be worried about.
Julius: What for? So a few girls like him. There's nothing wrong with that.
Rochelle: He's 11. He's only one year older than Tonya. [Julius scoffs] What is the difference?
Julius: She is a girl.

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