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Everybody Hates the G.E.D.

‘Everybody Hates the G.E.D.’

Season 4, Episode 22 - Aired May 8, 2009

When Chris is told he must repeat the 10th grade after being late too many times, he makes a big decision. Meanwhile, Drew performs on Amateur Night at The Apollo, Tonya graduates sixth grade, and Julius wants his $25 back after lending it to Pam.

Quote from Ms. Morello

Rochelle: Well, I don't understand why you can't make an exception for him. I mean, didn't he pass all his tests, including his finals?
Ms. Morello: Yes, but this isn't about education. This is about punctuality. Look, could I appeal to a higher authority and have Chris promoted liked we did when the Vice Superintendent's daughter got pregnant and missed the entire tenth grade? Yes! But you don't really want your son being coddled and helped through life and all of its obstacles like some rich little White girl, do you?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Say yes, say yes!
Rochelle: No. No, I guess you're right.
Ms. Morello: I am. You may not realize this now, Chris, but making you repeat the tenth grade is the biggest favor I'm ever going to do for you.


Quote from Adult Chris

Pam: So, Julius, what do you think?
Julius: Looks nice.
Pam: Yeah, just wrap it up for the next couple of nights, it'll hold.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] That's what they told Michael Jackson about his face.

Quote from Julius

Adult Chris: [v.o.] After my mother tried knocking some sense into me, she tried to talk some sense into me.
Rochelle: Chris, I'm not gonna sit back and watch you throw your life away.
Chris: Mom, you can't make me go.
Rochelle: I did not spend all these years trying to make sure that you-
Julius: He's right, Rochelle. We can't force him to go. But if you think you're gonna sit around this house all day, think again. If you don't go to school, you go to work.
Rochelle: Well, what kind of job is he supposed to get with a tenth-grade education?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] I don't know, ask George Bush.
Julius: What's it gonna be, Chris?

Quote from Greg

Greg: So that's it? You're quitting school?
Chris: Look, I'm not repeating the tenth grade. I don't know what else to do.
Greg: Well, have you thought about a G.E.D.?
Chris: G.E.D.?
Greg: In the job market, it would put you on an equal level with any ex-con. Except for the ones who finished high school. I suppose it's for the best, though.
Chris: How's that?
Greg: If you're a sophomore I'm a junior, there's no way I could be seen with you. I don't have any more cool points to lose, dude.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] From the zero you started out with.

Quote from Julius

Chris: Ma, a lot of people got their G.E.D. and did fine. I looked it up.
Rochelle: Yeah? Like who?
Chris: Bill Cosby got a G.E.D.
Rochelle: So what, you want to be comedian? Ha! Very funny.
Julius: Chris, is this what you want to do?
Chris: Yes. I'll make you all proud of me.
Julius: Okay.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] As long as you're out when you're 18.
Julius: It'll be all right. If he doesn't make us proud, I'll kill him, and nobody'll ever know.

Quote from Drew

Rochelle: Hey!
Tonya: Hi, Mom.
Drew: Oh, I love fried crusts.
Rochelle: Don't fill up on it.
Tonya: Where's Daddy?
Drew: In his skin. When he jumps out, you can jump in.

Quote from Chris

Rochelle: What's that?
Julius: Chris's G.E.D. results.
Drew: Did you pass?
Rochelle: Open it.
Julius: Is that fried crust?
Drew: Yeah, and it's good.
Chris: What's it say?

Quote from Adult Chris

Pam: I'm sorry. Why didn't you just say something?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Why didn't you just pay him back?
Pam: Um, can I pay you back tomorrow? I left my wallet at home.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] You've got a cash register right there.

Quote from Drew

Chris: Mom, I heard they were hiring at Red Lobster.
Tonya: They're not hiring you.
Drew: I wonder how hungry people have to be to eat a lobster. Like, who looks at that and says, "Man, that looks good"?

Quote from Chris

Greg: Hey, Chris.
Chris: Hey. [to Thurman] After you.
[As Thurman walks into his class room, the bell rings and he closes the door behind him]
Thurman: You're late. Now go to the principal's office and get a tardy slip.

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