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Everybody Hates Sausage

‘Everybody Hates Sausage’

Season 1, Episode 4 - Aired October 13, 2005

When a rumor spreads at school that Chris was the one who beat up Caruso, his new tough-guy reputation only brings with it more problems. Meanwhile, Julius buys a big crate of sausages which the family must eat at every meal.

Quote from Adult Chris

Adult Chris: [v.o.] I had a fight with Caruso, the school bully. He beat me so bad, I had to take the Underground Railroad home. [flashback to the fight] But somehow that story turned into this story.
Boy #1: Chris hit him in the jaw so hard, my tooth fell out.
Girl: Chris knocked Caruso's eye out, put it back, and then knocked it out again.
Boy #2: Chris beat the snot out of him. You can check his nose... no snot!
Boy #3: Chris chased him home, knocked out his family, then took their house.


Quote from Adult Chris

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Now, when a rumor like this gets started, you never know where it's going to end up.
Dr. Raymond: Are you sure about this?
Boy #4: Yes, sir. After Chris kicked his teeth out, he said, "And I better not see you trying to smile, cracker."
Dr. Raymond: Cracker.
Boy #4: Yes, sir. Cracker.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Dr. Raymond was the school principal, and the last thing I needed was for him to think I was making trouble.
Dr. Raymond: Thanks kid. [gives the boy some cash]
Adult Chris: [v.o.] That kid snitched so much, he made more money than the teachers.

Quote from Julius

Adult Chris: [v.o.] My mother seemed to always find work when she needed it, so my father didn't complain that much.
Julius: That's okay, baby. I guess all those other people are just crazy.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] That look means "I know I'm wrong, but I'll be damned if I'll admit it."
Julius: How about steak sauce? We got steak sauce?

Quote from Chris

Greg: Hey, killer.
[Caruso shoves Chris in his locker]
Joey Caruso: I've heard what you've been saying, Meadowlark.
Chris: [o.s.] What? I haven't been saying anything! You don't think I have enough problems without people thinking I'm going around stomping other people's teeth out? Do I need that?!
Joey Caruso: Then who's been saying it then?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] There's "Got your back" guys and "I'll be back" guys. [Greg runs away]
Chris: [o.s.] Greg!
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Greg was a "I'm running like a bitch" guy.

Quote from Adult Chris

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Dr. Raymond hated his job because he didn't get paid enough. So he blew off steam by dancing the nights away with a few close friends.
[flashback to Dr. Raymond wearing a leather vest and dancing in a club filled with shirtless men]

Quote from Chris

Dr. Raymond: You think I like calling you into my office? [silence] That's not a rhetorical question.
Joey Caruso: What's a rhetorical question?
Chris: It's a question that doesn't need an answer because you already know the answer when you ask it.
Joey Caruso: Who asked you?
Dr. Raymond: Exactly.

Quote from Adult Chris

Joey Caruso: Why am I in trouble? You heard. He beat me up.
Chris: No, I didn't.
Joey Caruso: And he called me a White cracker.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Can you believe this cracker?
Dr. Raymond: You got a point, son. Any more trouble, that's detention.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Ain't this about a bitch?

Quote from Julius

Rochelle: Julius, look at all of this. We'll be eating sausage every meal for a whole week.
Julius: [quietly] If you hadn't quit your job, maybe we'd have a little variety.
Rochelle: Huh?
Julius: Uh... Meat is good for society.

Quote from Adult Chris

Adult Chris: [v.o.] After being beat down and set up by Caruso, detention was about the safest place I could be, as long I followed the rules.
Monitor: The rules are clearly posted. I suggest you read them.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] The rules were simple: you talk...
Monitor: Ten minutes of detention.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] If you eat...
Monitor: Ten minutes of detention.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] If you sleep...
Monitor: Ten minutes of detention.
Adult Chris: [o.s.] If you did anything in detention other than sit down and shut up...
Monitor: Ten minutes of detention.

Quote from Chris

Adult Chris: Since I was the new guy in detention, everybody tried to get me in more trouble.
[A boy hands Chris a piece of paper with gibberish written on it]
Chris: What?
Monitor: Ten minutes.
Chris: But for what?
Monitor: Twenty minutes.

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