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The Prom

‘The Prom’

Season 2, Episode 5 - Aired April 2, 2019

Jenny organizes a 50s-themed prom, but the girls are more intrigued by a new pupil at the school.

Quote from Orla

Sarah: Have you a date lined up, Orla?
Orla: I do, aye.
Erin: What? With, like, a human?
Orla: Yeah.


Quote from Erin

Erin: I hate to do this, Clare.
Clare: I've said it's fine. I'm happy for you.
Erin: OK. It's just, you don't sound happy for me.
Clare: Well, I am. I'm over the moon.
Erin: Great, because me and John Paul are just at a really crucial point in our relationship.
Michelle: You've strong-armed him into taking you to the prom, Erin. Doesn't mean you're in a relationship.
Erin: We'll see about that.

Quote from Erin

Mae: Hiya! So, this is where the gays hang out, is it? [they chuckle] What's happening?
Michelle: Erin's just sacked Clare as her prom date so she can take a fella she fancies.
Mae: Bad craic, Erin. Very bad craic.
Erin: That is not true.
James: Isn't it?
Erin: Well, I mean, there is some truth in it...
Mae: Come with me.
Clare: Really?
Erin: Really?
Mae: It'll be a laugh. And I'm definitely an upgrade. Just a wee joke, there.
Erin: Yeah, it was. It was dead funny.

Quote from Michelle

Erin: Right, I say we hit Primark first.
Mae: Classy.
Erin: Yeah, well, we have about £17.50 between us, Mae, so needs must.
Michelle: It's grand, I swiped my ma's credit card.
James: Is that grand? Or is it actually a criminal offence?
Michelle: Look, we'll just whack a couple of dresses on it, don't take the labels off, wear them to the prom, then return them the next day. The money will be back in her account as quick as it went out.
Clare: No way, Jose!
Michelle: It's totally grand, Clare. I do it all the time. You just have to make sure that you don't, like, spill anything on it or, like, sweat.

Quote from Erin

Erin: Look, the only reason we're having a prom is because Jenny organized it.
Mae: So?
Erin: So, if she wants to be prom queen let her be prom queen.
Mae: Why are you sticking up for her?
Erin: Why are you slagging her off?
Michelle: Erin, all we do is slag off Jenny.
Erin: Yeah, well, we've the right to slag her off. We put the hours in. You can't just show up one day and join in.

Quote from Erin

Clare: Mae's one of us now, Erin.
Erin: Mae's an arsehole.
Clare: That's out of order, Erin. She's Chinese, for God's sake.
Erin: She's from Donegal! And can't you see what she's doing? "Oh, I'll take you to the prom. Oh, the blue dress is better."
Clare: Oh, my God, are you jealous?
Erin: Yeah, I'm going out with the biggest ride in Derry, but I'm jealous of you and your new friend? Yeah, that's definitely what's happening.
Clare: It does sort of seem like what's happening, actually.

Quote from Erin

Erin: What do you think?
Sarah: God, aye, it's different, isn't it?
Erin: Different? What does that mean?
Mary: It was nice of Michelle to lend it to you, love, but it just doesn't look very comfortable.
Erin: It's really comfortable, actually. It's like a second skin.
Orla: I wish you would wear your Easter frock, Erin. When we were wee, we always went to parties dressed the same.
Erin: We're not wee anymore, Orla.
Orla: Aye...
Mary: What's this?
Erin: It's some guidelines. Things you are and aren't allowed to say to John Paul when he gets here.
Mary: Right. [scrunches up the paper]

Quote from Michelle

Michelle: You look hot.
Clare: Thank you.
Michelle: No, I mean, like, actually hot. Like, physically hot. You better not be sweating in that dress, Clare. They won't give me a refund if there's a whiff off it.
Clare: I'm not sweating.
Michelle: Let me check.
Clare: Get off me!

Quote from Michelle

Michelle: Christ, I'm at my wits' end trying to keep them two lads apart.
Clare: What? You didn't bring both boys to prom did you, Michelle?
Michelle: I couldn't make up my mind! I thought I could just stick them in two separate corners and go between them, but they won't fucking keep put.
Clare: Imagine that, it's almost like they have their own free will.
Michelle: Tell me about it. It's a fucking nightmare.

Quote from Granda Joe

Michelle: Jesus, Joe, you're looking well!
Joe: Aye, I know.
Orla: Why isn't anyone dancing?
Michelle: How're you supposed to dance to this old shite?
Joe: Come on, Orla. We'll show them.

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