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Wedding Bell Blues

‘Wedding Bell Blues’

Season 9, Episode 17 - Aired January 31, 1991

The morning of her wedding, Rebecca doesn't remember drunkenly telling Sam how she really feels about Robin.

Quote from Woody

Woody: Uh, Miss Howe, I couldn't find your garter in your car, but I did find these jumper cables.
Rebecca: Woody, what am I going to do with these?
Woody: Well, they may not look so great, but they, they'll probably hold up your stockings. Of course, they might leave a mark.
Rebecca: Great, and what am I supposed to do after the ceremony? Throw a tire iron to the bridesmaids?
Woody: All right, I'll be right back.


Quote from Frasier

Frasier: I'm, uh, ready to start.
Bobby Hatfield: [sings] And time
Frasier: Who's this bozo?
Bobby Hatfield: [talks] I'm Bobby Hatfield.
Rebecca: Yes, Robin gave him to me as a present. He's going to sing at my wedding. Isn't that wonderful?
Frasier: Oh. So he's in and I'm out? Well, fine. Instead of my personal gift of song, I'll just get you a set of steak knives. So you can cut out my heart again.

Quote from Lilith

Frasier: Well, it looks like I- I won't be singing after all. But Rebecca has graciously invited me to push the buttons for Mr. Bobby Hatfield. Let's see. What number is "Unchained Melody?"
Bobby Hatfield: U-14.
Frasier: Yes, master.
Bobby Hatfield: ["Unchained Melody" plays] [sings] Oh, my love My darling
Lilith: That's a lovely song.
Frasier: That's because we're close to the speaker.
Lilith: Every time I hear that song, it reminds me of the first time we saw Ghost.
Sam: Hey, Lilith, songs do make you remember things, right?
Lilith: Oh, most definitely. Music is perhaps one of the most evocative of the associative stimuli. Some fascinating data-gathering was done in 1957 in Brussels, when the- [Sam gets up and walks away] They always leave when I get to the interesting part.

Quote from Sam

Robin: Oh. You know, I just don't understand this. She's always seemed so stable before.
Sam: Did you two ever really talk?

Quote from Rebecca

Ed: Under the bylaws of the Massachusetts Fish and Game Commission... Oops. Sorry.
Robin: That's that's all right, Ed. We've, um We've prepared our own vows.
Ed: Oh. Go ahead.
Robin: Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May and Summer's lease have all too short a stay Sometime too hot the eye of heaven doth shine, and often is his gold complexion dimmed; And every fair from fair sometime declines, by chance or nature's changing course untrimmed; But thy eternal Summer shall not fade, nor lose possession of that fair thou owest; Nor shall Death brag thou wanderest in his shade when in eternal lines to time thou owest: As long as men can breathe or eyes can see, so long lives this, and this gives life to thee. R- Rebecca?
Rebecca: I only loved you for your money. [runs out]

Quote from Carla

Rebecca: I'm hateful. I am the most awful person that I have ever met in my life. I don't deserve to live. Carla, what am I gonna do?
Carla: You could throw yourself into the Charles.
Rebecca: I don't think so.
Carla: How about heaving yourself off the Prudential Building? That's a 52-story drop. You hit the pavement, they'll be scraping you up with a spatula. Just like they do in the cartoons!
Rebecca: Oh!
Carla: You know, Paul was right. You can't help somebody who doesn't want to be helped.

Quote from Rebecca

Robin: Rebecca? What's going on? Have I done something wrong?
Rebecca: Oh, no. Robin, it's not you. It's me.
Robin: I don't understand.
Rebecca: Oh, I can't say this to your face. Please turn around. Oh, gee, you've got a cute butt. Robin, I can't say this to your butt. Turn around again. I don't love you, Robin.
Robin: When did this happen?
Rebecca: Well, near as I can figure, about the time they sealed your safe deposit box.
Robin: But I thought you were the one who didn't care about my money. I thought you were the one who was going to stand by me. I thought I was your sweet baby.
Rebecca: No. You was my rich baby.

Quote from Rebecca

Robin: Darling, I know it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding, but, well, I've, uh, lost my fortune; I've been to prison. What more could happen to me? You know, I can't keep this a secret any longer. Do you remember the day we first made love and I surprised you by flying in Bill Medley of the Righteous Brothers to sing for you?
Rebecca: Of course I do. That was a wonderful present, Robin.
Robin: Well, I thought it would be sweet if, uh, I could find some way to relive that memory on our wedding day, and now that I'm finally unchained...
Bobby Hatfield: [sings] Oh my love [Rebecca gasps] My darlin' I've hungered for your touch
Rebecca: My God! It's the other Righteous Brother!
Robin: Bobby Hatfield.
Rebecca: Oh, no, no, to me he'll always be the other Righteous Brother.

Quote from Lilith

Cliff: Eh, you know, she's got a nice set of pipes for a shrink, huh?
Norm: Beautiful.
Lilith: [sings] just what's the matter
Sam: [enters] Hey, guys, listen up for a second, will you? Fellas? Hey, Lilith! [whistling] Lilith! Lilith, cut it, please.
Lilith: [sings] on my shoulder.
Cliff: Sam, what's going on? I was enjoying that.
Sam: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Lilith: Always leave them wanting more.

Quote from Sam

Sam: Guys, listen up for a second. Will you, please? Uh, when Rebecca comes in, she's, uh, probably not going to be feeling too good, so just take it easy on her. All right?
Norm: What's the problem, Sam?
Sam: Well, she called off the whole wedding.
Carla: Get out.
Sam: No, it's true. I went over there last night. I tell you, she was a real mess, but she was clear about one thing: she does not love the guy and there's no way she's going to marry him.
Rebecca: [enters in a wedding dress] Good morning, everyone! Jonathan, thank God you're here. I'm in such a rush. Now, I don't have any time for those curlers, so you're going to have to do your trick with the blow-dryer.
Norm: Yeah, Sam, she's in agony.

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