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Norm's First Hurrah

‘Norm's First Hurrah’

Season 5, Episode 23 -  Aired March 26, 1987

After Norm is hired by a hotshot accountancy firm, he exaggerates the prestige of his new job.

Quote from Norm

Diane: I can tell by the way you're talking that this is the job that's going to fire your enthusiasm. When do you start?
Norm: About, uh, three hours ago.
Diane: What are you doing here?
Norm: I didn't want to appear over-anxious, you know.
Cliff: Yeah, no danger there, huh, Buddy?
Norm: No, no, I'm on my lunch hour.
Diane: Oh.
Norm: But, you know, I could be late if I wanted to. I mean, I got free rein over there. I happen to be my own boss.
Carla: So that's how you got the job.
Norm: Thanks for the send-off, guys.


Quote from Diane

Diane: Well, I hope you're all proud of yourselves.
Sam: Why? What'd we do?
Diane: Well, I think we could have been a bit more thunderous in our applause. [Woody clears his throat] Uh, except for Woody.

Quote from Cliff

Diane: Sam, didn't you see the hurt in Norman's eyes? He was seeking our support and approval.
It's his first day on the job and all we did was give him jibes.
Sam: Don't worry about it, sweetheart. He's had hundreds of first days on the job.
Frasier: You know, Diane's right. It's obvious how much we mean to him. I think we may have let him down.
Sam: Oh Gee, I hope not.
Cliff: Yeah, me, too. Oh, too late to do anything about that now. Refill, huh, Sam?

Quote from Carla

Diane: Hey, it's not too late. We could march en masse down to Norman's office and show him that we're in his corner.
Frasier: Oh, sure. Perhaps buy the new hotshot a little office warming gift. Maybe a potted plant.
Diane: Good!
Carla: Okay, hurry up. Let's get going here.
Diane: Wonderful, Carla. That's the kind of enthusiasm that's going to make Norman feel better.
Carla: The hell with that yutz. I wanna go downtown and see some Yuppie buns in tight Italian suits.

Quote from Carla

Diane: You know, at the risk of sounding self-congratulatory, I think we're fabulous. Just think how Norman will appreciate this. You know, I remember the first day I worked at The Third Eye Bookstore. Ramu was explaining to me the difference between... I think it was between psychic and occult. [Carla gives Diane a static shock] Ouch!
Carla: Think we could get this carpet for the bar?

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Oh, my God. Look at the time. If I don't get back right now, Mrs. Segal will be shampooing the rug.

Quote from Norm

Supervisor: Peterson.
Norm: Hi, sir.
Supervisor: What are all these people doing in here?
Norm: Well, they're new clients, sir, and, uh, we were just holding a little impromptu seminar on the tax laws, and, uh... So in conclusion, folks, I'd like you to, uh, file early and, um... file out.

Quote from Norm

Norm: That's a, uh, lovely tie you've got there, sir.
Supervisor: What, this ugly thing?
Norm: Yeah.
Supervisor: Oh, my wife bought it.
Norm: Yeah, how is the missus?
Supervisor: We're divorcing.
Norm: Well, I hope you stick it to her, sir.

Quote from Norm

Diane: I just wanted to make sure you're okay.
Norm: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm great. Top of the world, ma!
Diane: Hey, the first day at a new job is always traumatic.
Norm: Look at me. I'm pushing 40, practically starting over again.
Diane: Oh, Norman, that's not true.
Norm: Yes, it is. Yeah?
Man: Yeah, I'm delivering supplies to the supply room.
Norm: This isn't the supply room. Sorry.
Man: Well, it's 2511, right?
Norm: Right.
Man: Then it's the supply room.
Norm: Well, it may have been the supply room once, okay, but now it's my office.
Man: What does it say on this invoice?
Norm: 2511.
Man: Thank you.

Quote from Carla

Cliff: Hey, you're, uh, you're in kinda late there, me bucko. So how was your first day?
Norm: Well, I tell you, I feel a lot better now than I did this morning. Diane, I took your advice and I spent the afternoon jotting down some ideas I think'll save the company a lot of money.
Diane: Oh, Norman! That's wonderful!
Norm: I'm gonna pitch it to my supervisor tomorrow. But, I tell you, I'm a little nervous about putting my butt on the line.
Carla: How do you think the line feels?

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