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Season 9, Episode 6 - Aired October 25, 1990

Norm is devastated when his favorite restaurant, the Hungry Heifer, is listed for demolition. Meanwhile, Rebecca is upset when Robin Colcord is made to pick litter outside the bar, although Sam can barely contain his delight.

Quote from Norm

Norm: [enters] Afternoon, everybody.
All: Norm!
Woody: Hey, how would a beer feel, Mr. Peterson?
Norm: Pretty nervous if I was in the room.


Quote from Norm

Norm: [enters] Afternoon, everybody.
All: Norm!
Sam: Hey, how's life treatin' you, there, Norm?
Norm: Beats me... then it kicks me and leaves me for dead.

Quote from Cliff

Norm: Well, I went over to City Hall to drop off the petition, right? Stopped in to do a little research. It turns out that the Hungry Heifer is the only building on the entire Eastern Seaboard that has a giant red-eyed steam-snorting bull on the roof.
Woody: What about Hub's Steak Hut?
Norm: It's gone.
Cliff: Well, Lucky Chucky's Chuck House?
Norm: Struck by lightning.
Frasier: Bill's Place for Steak?
Norm: Stolen.
Cliff: Wow. That really is the end of an era.
Norm: Yeah.
Cliff: Wonder who's next. Are they gonna take down those big buckets of chicken? There's a message in this for the Big Boy: get rid of those overalls and get a real job. Yeah. You know who doesn't have to worry? Denny. [chuckles] Nobody knows what he looks like. Oh, sorry, was that out loud?

Quote from Carla

Carla: Hi, Sammy. Sorry I'm late. There's a prison work crew in the park across the street. Man, you should have heard some of those raunchy, sleazy, come-ons.
Sam: Pretty bad, huh?
Carla: Oh, yeah. I really outdid myself. I should write a book.

Quote from Woody

Woody: I know how hard it is to get people to sign a petition. Yeah, I remember back in Hanover I tried to gather signatures to rebuild the town band shell after the Fourth of July explosion. Oh, I had a heck of a time. I couldn't even get my Uncle Elwood to sign.
Sam: Oh. Couldn't even convince your uncle, huh?
Woody: Oh, he was convinced. He just couldn't grip the pen. See, he was- He was in charge of lighting the fireworks. They had extra small fuses that year. [Norm starts to walk away] No- No-
Norm: Time to pound the pavement.

Quote from Norm

Sam: We feel bad 'cause we know how much the Hungry Heifer means to you.
Norm: You don't know the half of it, Sammy. I love the Heifer. Don't know what I'm gonna do without that place. It was like my home away from Cheers. If you'll excuse me, guys, I just want to be alone.
[As Norm walks away from the bar, Sam picks up Norm's beer.]
Norm: Hey, whoa! Ho. Not that alone.

Quote from Woody

Frasier: Well, you know, this is not atypical behavior. I mean, many people can form emotional bonds to significant places in their lives. I think we should all be very sensitive to what Norm is going through.
Sam: Yeah, you know, that's a good idea, Fras. Maybe we shouldn't say anything to remind him of the Hungry Heifer when he comes back here. You know, maybe not say any words like, uh, "beef" or "meat."
Woody: Sam, what about "meet" as in, "Let's meet for dinner tonight?"
Sam: Yeah. That'd be fine, Woody.
Woody: Great. W- Where do you want to go? You feel like Chinese?
Sam: You know, on second thought, maybe that's not a good idea.
Woody: That's why I asked.

Quote from Cliff

Woody: Sam, you missed a great lunch. Mr. Clavin and Mr. Peterson treated me at the Hungry Heifer.
Sam: How was it?
Cliff: Wednesday Ribscapade, Sammy. End of story.
Frasier: Well, where's the third member of your gastronomic suicide squad?
Woody: Mr. Peterson's still at the Heifer. Uh, you know, we got some bad news. They're gonna tear the place down.
Frasier: Oh, dear!
Woody: Well, I can see why Norm would want to spend some final moments of contemplation in the place that meant so much to him.
Cliff: No, no, he was just sopping up some gravy with a Parker House roll.
Frasier: Well, each man mourns in his own way.
Sam: I hope it doesn't hit him too hard.
Carla: What's the big deal? So they're leveling another beef joint.
Cliff: Another beef joint? You obviously have never been there for "You Keep the Hoof" night.

Quote from Norm

Norm: Sid. Sid, what are you doing? You could start a grease fire in here. I mean, I know you have them every day, but this one could get out of hand.
Sid: You jerk. You ruined everything.
Norm: But I thought you'd be happy.
Sid: Happy? Why should I be happy? The developers were going to give me three times what this joint is worth.
Norm: I didn't know you wanted out of this place, Sid. Why?
Sid: How would you like to spend seven days a week up to your elbows in cow flesh?
Norm: Sid, I never knew you felt this way.
Sid: Well, I didn't always. But, I don't know, this is the '90s, Norm. We've learned a lot about the kind of poisons we've been putting into our bodies. Now, you look at that. You see some T-bones and a rump roast. I see a loaded gun. I've been carrying it around with me for a long time, Norm, the guilt for what I've been doing to bodies like yours.

Quote from Sam

Sam: Guys, guys, guys, look at this. Quick impression of Robin Colcord. [British accent] "Blimey. There's a lot of trash on the ground, isn't there? Well, I'll just have to impale it and flush it down the loo. Cor. Look, it's all over the place. Look at that. Look at that. Look at that."
[Sam accidentally jabs the foot of a warden who was walking out from the back of the bar]
Warden: All right, that's it. Let's go. You're spending the night in the box.
Sam: [laughs] What're you talking about, man? Hey, what're you doing? I'm not one of your prisoners.
Warden: I know, but you stabbed my foot. And I got a gun. So you're spending the night in the box.

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