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Cry Hard

‘Cry Hard’

Season 8, Episode 25 - Aired April 26, 1990

Rebecca considers breaking up with Robin Colcord when he buys his chargé d'affaires an apartment in Boston, but he surprises her by proposing they live together.

Quote from Sam

Sam: How you doing there?
Rebecca: Trying to figure out the best way to approach this. I guess I should lead off by saying that I knew nothing about it. But if I convince them that I knew nothing about it and all the information came through me, then I'm gonna look like a fool.
Sam: I think that's your ace in the hole.


Quote from Robin Colcord

Robin: Rebecca. My darling. What are you doing?
Rebecca: I'm turning you in. You used me. And don't try to deny it, because I've got proof. Robin, I am a human being, and I deserve to be treated like one. It's about time I stood up and did what was right. Good-bye, Robin.
Robin: Rebecca. Will you marry me?
Rebecca: OK.
Sam: Whoa, whoa, wait a second! Wait! Come on! Open your eyes here! He doesn't want to marry you. He's just using you.
Robin: Actually, yes, I am.
Sam: See?
Robin: I'm using Rebecca to make me the happiest man on earth.
Sam: Oh, man.
Rebecca: Isn't he the sweetest baby?
Sam: Get out here. Listen. He's just marrying you to shut you up so he can take over the corporation.
Robin: Yes, to give to her as a wedding present, and now you've spoiled the surprise.

Quote from Robin Colcord

Sam: I don't believe you! Honey, listen, you got the evidence in your hand right here. If somebody comes out and sees this, you're gonna be guilty, too.
Robin: Yes, well, then we must make sure that no one sees it. Excuse me.
[Robin shreds the document in the portable, briefcase-sized shredder he was carrying]
Sam: Boy, you really come prepared, don't you?
Robin: Well, I guess our business here is finished. For Rebecca's sake, this conversation never happened.
Rebecca: The part happened where you proposed to me, didn't it?
Robin: Of course, my darling. That was destiny.

Quote from Sam

Sam: I'll tell you, if I ever ran this bar again, if it was mine, there'd be a lot of changes around here. I would have raises right across the board. Woody, how much you make an hour?
Woody: 7 bucks.
Sam: You're kidding me. I only make $6.80. Hey, Carla, try "skinflint"!

Quote from Cliff

Cliff: What are you reading there, Wood?
Woody: Oh, well, my landlord raised my rent, and, you know, I like my neighborhood and all, but I lived there for a long time. I guess it's time to move on.
Cliff: Because if you're not looking at the sports...

Quote from Rebecca

Rebecca: My whole world is a void...Empty a nd without meaning. There's no point to anything, and there's nothing left to do but just count the minutes until I die.
Norm: Hear that, gang? Our hive has found a queen. To the Queen.
Sam: What's wrong?
Rebecca: My life is garbage.
Carla: Ah, Rebecca, cheer up. Have some pretzels.

Quote from Woody

Sam: What's the trouble this time?
Rebecca: I just found out that Robin bought a house on the Left Bank for his babe Jean Marie.
Norm: Bought her a house? That's tough.
Carla: Ah, big deal. Him buying a house is like anyone else buying a dozen roses.
Norm: Yeah. Or a box of candy.
Woody: Or an engagement ring.
Rebecca: Thanks, Woody.
Woody: I just like to participate.

Quote from Rebecca

Robin: Oh, darling. Did you get my message?
Rebecca: Yes, I got your message, Robin, and I also found out that you bought a house for your little charge d'affaires, and don't you try denying it because I have got proof. I am sick of you stringing me along like this. I am a human being, and I deserve to be treated like one. It's about time I stood up and told you what I really think of you.
Robin: Rebecca, I was wondering if you might consider moving in with me.
Rebecca: OK.
Robin: Good.

Quote from Rebecca

Sam: Hey, if your boyfriend's so rich, then how come he didn't hire professional movers?
Norm: Yeah.
Rebecca: Well, he would have, but I wanted to get in here and surprise him before he got back from Zurich tomorrow. I'm making him meat loaf.
Norm: Rebecca, how does your corporation feel about you sharing a bed with the competition?
Rebecca: You know, Norm, I've been doing a lot of soul-searching about that lately, and I've come to the decision that I don't care. Isn't it great here? It's so beautiful. It's like a palace. You could get lost in this place, huh, Wood? Huh, Wood?
Woody: Oh, here you are.

Quote from Sam

Rebecca: Oh, man. This is like a dream come true for me... Me here alone with the man I adore in our cozy little love nest.
Sam: Big deal. He bought Jean Marie a whole house.
Rebecca: It was just a going-away present. Robin always gives women a furnished house when he dumps them.
Sam: Boy, that's class. I usually just give them a made-up phone number.

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