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Coach's Daughter

‘Coach's Daughter’

Season 1, Episode 5 - Aired October 28, 1982

Coach is upset when his sweet but insecure daughter introduces him to her boorish new fiance.

Quote from Carla

Coach: Norm, would you please watch your language today, please?
Norm: Sure. What's the problem?
Coach: Lisa's coming over.
Sam: I didn't know that. It'll be great to see her.
Diane: Who is Lisa?
Carla: That's the Coach's daughter. Or is it a martini glass? [Diane laughs]


Quote from Coach

Lisa: Daddy, come with us.
Coach: No, you go ahead, I got something to do. I'll see you later.
Lisa: All right, I'll see you later.
Coach: All right.
Lisa: [to Roy] You know, I am so glad that you two finally got a chance to meet.
Roy: Ciao. [laughs] Do you get it? We're going to eat and I said ciao. Ciao. I'm telling you, I'm a funny guy.
Coach: Huh. Sam, could you cover for me for a couple of moments?
Sam: Sure, Coach. Where are you going?
Coach: To toss my lunch.

Quote from Carla

Sam: Coach, what are you going to do about this?
Coach: You know, I've given Lisa everything she ever wanted. What can I do?
Sam: Well, you're gonna have to tell her how you feel, Coach.
Diane: I can no longer hold my tongue.
Carla: Want me to do it?

Quote from Diane

Diane: Roy, how about if you and I chat over here?
Roy: Good idea.
Diane: Coach, will you excuse us for a moment?
Roy: The suit's getting to you, isn't it?
Diane: Roy, your personality is very... strong.
Roy: Amen.
Diane: But I know that's not the real you. You know, an aggressive personality is often a mask for a very shy and sensitive soul. I'm willing to gamble that you are such a person.
Roy: You're not wearing a bra, are you?
Diane: [walks back to Coach] The man is pond scum.

Quote from Sam

Sam: Coach. Coach, let me talk to you here. Do you remember a double-header against Cleveland on a hot August day, 1974?
Coach: Yeah, I remember part of that. Yeah.
Sam: What part?
Coach: I remember hot.
Sam: Well, that's good. That's good. That's a beginning. Do you remember I was on the mound and Johnson had been thrown out of the game, and you were filling in as manager. It was the last inning. I had just walked. The base was loaded. Ah, gosh, who was up?
Coach: Spikes. Charlie Spikes.
Sam: Ah, that's it. Charlie Spikes. Anyway, you came out to the mound to talk to me because I was in a jam. I didn't have any good stuff left. I thought you were going to yank me but you didn't. Instead, you said that something I've never forgotten. Do you remember what you said?
Coach: What did I say?
Sam: You said, "Go get him."
Coach: I said that?
Sam: Yeah. And I got him, Coach. I got him.
Coach: Well, I was glad to be there, Sammy, to help out.
Sam: Well, I'm glad you were there, too, Coach. Because if you hadn't said that, my career may have ended that day, instead of when it did... a couple of weeks later.
Coach: Sam, what the hell are we talking about this now for?
Sam: Coach, go get him.

Quote from Sam

Diane: Ah. "Go get him." What a marvelously pithy phrase.
Sam: That's funny. That's exactly what our third baseman said at the time.

Quote from Coach

Sam: You never told me she was engaged. You know, she always told me she was married to her work.
Coach: Well, you know, like most women, she wants both. This is the 19... what, '80s?
Sam: Come here. Listen, are you all right?
Coach: Well, you see, Sam, I never met the fella and I'm just hoping that I can hit it off with him. It's really been bugging me.
Sam: Relax. You're gonna do just fine.
Coach: Yeah, I guess I do worry too much. Since Lisa's mother died, she's been my whole life.
Sam: Coach, you did a great job with Lisa. Don't worry. Thanks, Sam. Great guy, that Sam.
Cliff: Ah, why don't you name a glass after him?

Quote from Diane

Diane: Excuse me, my name is Diane. I'm the Cheers caricaturist. I couldn't help- I couldn't help but notice that you are very much in love with this lady. And I have a sketch for you.
Man: Which one of us is that?

Quote from Diane

Diane: Hello. I'm Diane, the Cheers caricaturist. I have a drawing of you.
Woman: Oh, let me see.
Diane: Just a minute. Do you have a hobby?
Woman: Horseback riding.
Diane: Oh. Yes, that is fun, isn't it? [hums the William Tell Overture] Now you may look.
Woman: This is me?
Diane: Uh-huh.
Woman: Well, why am I sitting on a lizard?

Quote from Coach

Lisa: Roy, this is Carla and Diane and Sam.
Roy: Hi.
Lisa: And this is my father Ernie.
Coach: It's a pleasure to meet you.
Roy: The feeling's ditto, Ernie.
Coach: Can I get you a nice cold beer?
Roy: Sure, Pops. Hey, listen, mind if I smoke?
Diane: Oh, listen, cigar smoke bothers me.
Roy: Yeah, I know it stinks, but it tastes great.

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