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Coach in Love, Part 2

‘Coach in Love, Part 2’

Season 3, Episode 7 - Aired November 15, 1984

Coach is still looking forward to marrying Irene, even though he hasn't seen her since the night he proposed and she won the lottery.

Quote from Carla

Irene: Hi, everyone. [Carla gasps at Irene's coat] Is Ernie here? I'd like to talk to him.
Carla: He'll be honored you remember his name.
Sam: Carla, come on. Stay out of this.


Quote from Coach

Coach: Irene, I haven't seen you since the night I proposed. How are the wedding plans going?
Irene: Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about, Ernie.
Coach: Well, what did you want to do? Move the date up or something?
Irene: Ernie, would you please sit down?
Coach: Oh, sure, come on.
Irene: Do you know where I was tonight?
Coach: Oh, probably at home, wherever that is.
Irene: I went to the Governor's mansion for dinner.
Coach: Holy mackerel! I guess you didn't think I'd want to go, huh?
Irene: The point is, ever since I won that money, I've been meeting new people. Experiencing new things. And there's a lot more I still want to do. I'm talking about Paris, Monaco, London.
Coach: Well, I'd be perfectly happy with Six Flags.
Irene: I know you would.

Quote from Coach

Irene: Ernie, this is really... This is very hard for me. I wouldn't want to hurt you for the world, but the plain truth is I'm not the same person I was three weeks ago. That person loved you. You're a good man, but I've been married to a good man. I've never been obscenely wealthy. Money changes people, Ernie.
Coach: Well, it hasn't changed me. I'm engaged to a very wealthy woman, but I'm still the same simple guy I always was.
Irene: Ernie, I- I don't think we're engaged any more. I'm sorry. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.
Coach: Wait a minute. There's nothing to forgive, because this isn't you talking, it's the money. You've got to get this out of your system, Irene, and you'll come back to me.
Irene: I wish I could make you understand.
Coach: Look, we set a wedding date, right? That date is still set. When that date comes along, I'll be right here waiting for you.
Irene: Goodbye, Ernie. Have a wonderful life.
Coach: Irene, you're crazy. This isn't goodbye.
Irene: Yes, it is.
Coach: No, honey. It isn't.
Irene: It is. [exits]
Coach: She's going to make one hell of a wife, ain't she? [sings] Isn't it romantic?

Quote from Coach

Sam: Whoa, Coach, pretty spiffy there. What's the occasion?
Coach: It's only my wedding day. Some cologne, please.
Sam: You heard from Irene, Coach?
Coach: Well, not for a while. But you're not supposed to see the bride before the ceremony anyway, are you?
Sam: No, but you're supposed to know whether or not she's in the country at least.
Coach: Sam, will you stop worrying about every little thing, like countries, huh?
Sam: All right.
Coach: This is a very happy day.

Quote from Carla

Coach: Folks. Folks, I have an apology to make. A lot of you can't be invited to the wedding because it's going to be a small private affair. I'm sorry some of you had to be left out.
Norm: Like the bride, huh? [Carla kicks Norm in the shin] That really hurts.
Carla: Then I haven't lived in vain.

Quote from Carla

Coach: Diane, I'm sorry, but you can't sing at the wedding like you offered to.
Diane: I understand.
Carla: Yeah, just standing there looking geeky will be entertainment enough.

Quote from Sam

Carla: Look, Diane, you're not helping him saying stuff like that. We've got to get Coach to face reality.
Sam: Come on, Diane, you of all people should realize how painful it is to love somebody who doesn't love you back.
Diane: Ah, yes, your sobbing, your whimpering, your moony-eyed sighs have not gone unnoticed.
Sam: You must have dreamt that about me. So the dreams about me continue, huh? Still have the one about the white horse?
Diane: One end of it. Sam, the day I met Frasier Crane, I stopped looking for Mr. Right.
Sam: Yeah, that would discourage me, too.
Carla: Why don't you two hit either each other in the face or shut up?

Quote from Diane

Coach: You mean Irene didn't call?
Sam: Coach, I don't think Irene's going to call... ever.
Coach: Oh, Sam, you're so young. You're so young.
Sam: Hey, Coach, she's engaged to another man. I just spoke to her daughter. Some rich European guy.
Coach: Oh, heavens to Betsy! It looks like I've been left at the altar! Whatever shall I do?
Diane: Coach, will you wake up and smell the coffee?
Cliff: Hey, Diane, take it easy, will you?
Diane: Coach, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you. Please forgive me.
Coach: It's okay, honey. It's okay.

Quote from Coach

Diane: Up until a few moments ago, l, too, was a holdout for a happy ending. But even this seemingly incontrovertible evidence hasn't shaken your faith a fig. How can you be so certain?
Coach: Right here, Diane. The human heart, who knows how it works?
Cliff: Well, it's essentially an involuntary muscle, Coach, activated by electrical impulses...
Coach: Exactly! No one! It works by feelings, Diane. All my feelings tell me that she'll be back. You understand? She'll be back here before closing time. [sings] Isn't it romantic...

Quote from Diane

Diane: Nothing's sadder than a man holding on to a dead dream.
Sam: Unless it's a blonde woman struggling to keep her hopes up.
Diane: No, I think it's a tall ex-baseball player who clings for...
Carla: [screams]

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