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Bar Wars

‘Bar Wars’

Season 6, Episode 23 - Aired March 31, 1988

As the gang at Cheers celebrate two years since their victory over Gary's Olde Towne Tavern in bowling, they notice their trophy has been stolen, setting off a tit-for-tat series of pranks.

Quote from Cliff

Carla: Let's storm the place! [loud excited chatter]
Sam: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Come on, let's not turn this into mob rule here. Just a couple of guys go over and talk to him first. Come on.
Cliff: All right, Sam, I think you better take me because, uh, they got to be intimidated by the authority of my uniform.
Sam: Uh... Actually, I think I'll take Woody. You know, in case there's some trouble, I'd like to have someone young and strong around. Come on, Woody.
[As Woody tries to jump over the bar, he knocks a glass onto the floor and stumbles]


Quote from Sam

Carla: Oh! Our trophy! Oh, Sam! What did you do to Gary? Did you punch him right in the face?
Sam: Uh, n-not exactly, no. [clears throat]
Woody: He did ask out a waitress.

Quote from Carla

Carla: Let's go over to Gary's and torch the place! Come on!
Sam: Oh, no, no, come on, whoa, whoa. There's got to be a cooler way of doing this now. We got to use a little cunning.
Carla: Yeah. Yeah, I'd like to do something to Gary and make him really miserable.
Cliff: Why don't you marry him?
Carla: Why don't you?
Cliff: Why don't you?
Carla: Why don't you?
Cliff: You!
Carla: You!
Cliff: You!
Carla: You!

Quote from Carla

Gary: Uh-oh, Malone's back. And this time, he brought some muscle.
All: Ooh!
Carla: Sammy, I- I can't go through with this, not when this guy's taking shots at me.
Sam: No, no, that was a shot at me.
Carla: You're right. Okay.

Quote from Rebecca

Exterminator #1: Pest control. Where should we start?
Rebecca: Excuse me. What's this about?
Exterminator #1: Your rat problem.
Rebecca: Rat problem?
Exterminator #1: Aren't you the one that called about a rat problem?
Rebecca: No, of course not. No. We don't have rats. [the patrons start to flee]
Exterminator #2: Well, that's what we understand, ma'am. Rats in the building, big gray ones. That's why we're here.

Quote from Rebecca

Rebecca: Sam, did you call anyone about a rat problem?
Sam: No, no. We have a rat problem? Ew, God.
Rebecca: I didn't call, you didn't call. Who called?
Norm, Cliff & Carla: Gary.
Woody: How did he know we have rats?
Exterminator #1: Uh, look, if you need us, uh here's our card. [both "exterminators" laugh and run out]
Woody: Come again.
Sam: "Now that's a stunt. Love, Gary."
Rebecca: He's mine.

Quote from Cliff

Cliff: Hey, hey, who's the chrome dome?
Alan: I don't know. I've never seen him before.
Cliff: Uh-huh.
Jensen: Afternoon. I'll have a draft.
Cliff: Excuse me there, uh, pal of mine.
Jensen: Yeah?
Cliff: Eh, what exactly are you, uh, doing in here?
Jensen: Getting a drink.
Norm: Aha. So, uh, you're not from the neighborhood, are you?
Jensen: No, no, I'm from Framingham. Uh, my wife's at Mass General. She just had a double bypass, and I thought I'd unwind a little with a drink. That okay?
Cliff: [pause] Sure.
Carla: Let's shave his head and put him on a bus! [all agreeing]
Jensen: Excuse me. On second thought, I think I'll check to see if they have a juice machine in the lCU.
Cliff: Yeah. You do that, pal. Hey, you tell Dr. Gary the gang at Cheers says hello.

Quote from Rebecca

Rebecca: Did anybody remember to grease the bar stools over at Gary's?
Norm: Oh yeah. Yeah, I did.
Rebecca: Woody, get this man his favorite.

Quote from Cliff

Norm: What's up, buddy? I want to know, did you enjoy the, uh, fight the other night?
Cliff: Yeah. Who'd you bet on, Shelley or Keats?
Gary: You guys are great. I tell you, I didn't know you had it ya. You know what? This is going to go down in the annals of gags as one of the greatest. Here, give me your hands, guys. I got something better for you, though, than a trophy now.
Alan: Come on, Gare.
Gary: No, no, no. On the level. No crossed fingers, standing on both feet. I am a personal friend of Wade Boggs. The Wade Boggs, who was gonna come over to my place, sign some autographs, but I rerouted him over here. He should be here any minute. You take good care of him, okay? You guys are the greatest. I didn't know you had it in you. [laughs] Take care.

Quote from Carla

Rebecca: Who's Wade Boggs?
Norm: "Who's Wade Boggs?"! He's only the greatest third baseman in Red Sox history. Guy's a pure hitter. He's only popped up six times in five years.
Carla: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. I'm standing in a room full of idiots.
Rebecca: That's true. What's your point?
Carla: Gary's not gonna send the real Wade Boggs over to see us. He's gonna get some guy in a Wade Boggs suit, claiming to be Wade Boggs. We're all gonna slobber all over him, buy him drinks, beg him for autographs and Gary'll come in and bust a gut laughing at us.

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