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Season 3, Episode 9 -  Aired January 2, 2006

As the Bluth family situation gets even more desperate, the family decide to host a fundraiser to collect money for their legal expenses. Michael wants everyone to get jobs, so Lindsay becomes a homemaker and Gob starts waiting tables.

Quote from Gob

Narrator: And back at the country club, something unusual had happened.
Gob: Oh, I don't have any drugs for sale. Unless did you expect me to follow you to your car?
Waiter: They're your tips.
Gob: Tips?
Narrator: And Gob realized he'd accidentally worked a day in his life.


Quote from George Michael

Narrator: Upstairs, George Michael was struggling with his assignment.
George Michael: Can you think of anything critical to say about my dad?
Maeby: Are you serious? I have glitter in my lungs from making goody bags for casting directors. And he's giving me 100 more to do for homework. It's like "I don't do my homework, George Michael does my homework."
Narrator: And that's when he decided it was time to cheat off of her.
George Michael: You know it might help if you expressed yourself.
Narrator: It also gave him an opportunity to smell her neck.

Quote from George Michael

Narrator: And the next day, Michael drove to Openings in the hopes of recruiting Donnie's brother for the fundraiser when he noticed his son expressing himself rather well.
George Michael: "He pretends he's the great father all of a sudden and acts like he's all worried about me, but it turns out he just does it so I can help him with his joke of a career. No wonder Mom wanted out so bad."
Michael: Oh, my God.
Donnie Richter: Oh, my God.

Quote from Gob

Narrator: Gob, meanwhile, was several days into being an accidental waiter. And he discovered that a little flirting helped bring in the tips.
Gob: Oh, if you didn't have adult onset diabetes, I wouldn't mind giving you a little sugar.
Mrs. Van Skoyk: Oh, Gob you could charm the black off a telegram boy.
Narrator: Okay, we'll just tell you now. She's the one who dies.

Quote from Michael

Narrator: And Michael went to confront Donnie.
Michael: Hey, nice haircut. And thanks for turning my son against me.
Andy Richter: Oh, oh, no, no, I'm Andy.
Michael: Oh. Sorry. Oh, hey. How'd you feel about coming to a fundraiser at our house?
Andy Richter: How much does it pay?
Michael: It's just a free dinner-
Andy Richter: I'll be there.
Michael: Great.
Andy Richter: I'll be in the cafeteria.
Donnie Richter: Ugh, he's such a pig.

Quote from Michael

Michael: You should know about bad mouthing family members. I heard what you had my son say out there.
Donnie Richter: He chose what to say. Maybe we should include him in this.
Michael: No need. You're the one that poisoned him against me. How would you like that done to you?
Donnie Richter: Are you threatening to poison me?
Michael: I'm just expressing myself, man.

Quote from George Sr.

George Sr.: What did I tell you?
Michael: How dare that Donnie Richter.
George Sr.: You know, you got to take care of that guy or I will. Yeah, yeah, let me.
Michael: This is not your business, no. I'm just going to pull him out of that school.
George Sr.: You're damn right you are. We can't have this happen, not now. This family has got to stick together.
Lucille: I don't want Gob coming to this dinner.
George Sr.: Good idea.

Quote from George Michael

Narrator: And George Michael was about to get some discipline, too.
Michael: You are no longer going to that school. I don't want to get into a big discussion about it. But it's just not right for you.
George Michael: Well, is this because I cheated off Maeby? Because I've never done that before, Dad, I swear. I just couldn't think of anything to write about you, so I asked her to write it about her dad.
Michael: You cheated?
George Michael: Yeah, it was stupid of me. Now Donnie's met you. I mean, he's never going to believe that you were ever up for a part in Wicked.

Quote from Michael

Michael: Donnie. Oh. I guess I owe you an apology- It's Andy again, isn't it?
Rocky Richter: Rocky. Andy's the pig.
Michael: Well, you're not exactly-
Rocky Richter: I'm his stunt double. You think I like this? I disgust myself.
George Michael: Let go of my dad, you're going to hurt him.
Rocky Richter: Oh, no, I'm only making it look like that. He's totally in charge of the situation.

Quote from George Michael

Michael: So what is the problem?
Rocky Richter: Somebody sent my brother Donnie a basket of poison muffins.
George Michael: Oh, no. It could've been the Muffin Man. They never caught him.
Michael: How do you know about that?
George Michael: I saw it on Why We Were Scared of the '70s.
[Andy Dick presents a TV show on Y.O.M. television:]
Andy Dick: And whatever happened to the Muffin Man? Remember him? I always pictured a giant six-foot muffin trying to eat me while I was eating him. It's kind of a fantasy I go to a lot now.

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