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Sinking Feelings

‘Sinking Feelings’

Season 5, Episode 5 - Aired May 29, 2018

As the Bluths prepare to receive their award, they finally find out where Buster is. Meanwhile, Michael patches things up with George Michael.

Quote from Tobias

Lucille: Where the hell did you run off to?
George Sr.: Michael tried to kill himself. I got there in time to save him, but he doesn't have Buster.
Lucille: What?
Narrator: Which was good news for Tobias, who was already in his backup costume.
Tobias: And my name is Buster Bluth, and, yes, I am a monster.
Police Officer: Buster? Isn't he supposed to be in jail?
Tobias: Well, that's not exactly what I was going for, but sure. [groans] Oh! But they're buying it, see?


Quote from Buster

Michael: Did you tell them that you found Lucille 2 passed out on the stair car?
Buster: I think I said "dead." No, maybe they said "dead," and I said, "I wish."
Michael: Why'd you do that?
Buster: I thought it was funny. [laughs] Oh, by the way, I also told you that I saw her on the stair car, Michael.
Michael: I thought you were trying to be funny.
Buster: You've got a weird sense of humor, Michael.

Quote from Buster

Buster: Maybe she crawled away. She was always falling down or crawling away or rolling off-camera and stuff. I don't know why it's a crime to not know where someone is.

Quote from Buster

Michael: Why were you trying to erase a tape?
Buster: I panicked. I had had a fight with Lucille 2 because she made me miss Mom's trial, and I guess somebody saw us fighting, and if anything happened to her, you know they love to blame it on the crazy vet. [gasps] Oh. I'm trying to do air quotes, but they metal-strapped my hand because people were using it to make tattoos when I was asleep.
Michael: What's going on with the other?
Buster: Oh, this is so I don't take the metal-strap off.
Michael: Got it.

Quote from Lucille

Lucille: Michael said Barry would be here with Buster over an hour ago.
Gob: Maybe Buster made him stop to make sure nobody found the body. [chuckles]
Lucille: Oh, Lucille 2's fine. Believe me, she's somewhere with a new chin, sipping steak through a straw.

Quote from Tobias

George Sr.: You know, if Buster was a murderer, your mother would be in grave danger. Maybe I should move into the cottage with you two. That way, one of us can always be awake.
Tobias: Lucille, as your therapist, I would encourage you to let go of relationships that don't serve you.
Lucille: You're no longer my therapist.
Tobias: Okay. We're making some progress. Then, as your roommate, I encourage you to claim your space.
Lucille: You're no longer my roommate.
Tobias: Wow, you are just progressing by leaps and bounds. [chuckles] A victim of my own competence.

Quote from Gob

Gob: [laughs] Oh-ho-ho! Michael, you did it! You didn't know that Barry was in jail? [laughs] God, this is so This is hysterical. This is priceless. One for the ages, Dad. No, this is never gonna get out of my system. [laughing breathlessly]
Michael: You okay?
Gob: What made you think Buster was in jail? Two seconds ago, you thought that he was gonna kill you.
Michael: True.
George Sr.: Gob, Buster is in jail.
Gob: Oh. Right. We were just there. Michael made an honest mistake. Geez, I hope Buster doesn't kill us for laughing.

Quote from Narrator

Narrator: Michael decided to tell Rebel he was going somewhere. George Michael, meanwhile, was approaching the same apartment with a plan of his own.
Maeby: You take my bag of lacy ticklers, hoo-ha bras, dog toys, and sex knobs with you, and you act like you're expecting a booty call, as the old people think the young people say. Tell her, "I'm here for a quickie, and I'm out of here." Mr. Brash.
Narrator: So when Michael saw his son brashly approaching, he decided to be the adult in the relationship and avoid conflict by squatting in a bush, until his son passed on his way to what the young people refer to as a booty call.

Quote from George Michael

George Michael: Yeah, standing out here with a bag of sex toys! Let's go! Not getting any less horny out here. How are you?
Woman: I think she's gone until tomorrow.
George Michael: Is she? Okay, good. 'Cause I was getting less, uh... what I mentioned earlier.

Quote from Michael

Lt. Toddler: Well, I'm going home.
Michael: Okay. Great.
Lt. Toddler: I live here.
Michael: Oh. Didn't know they paid you that fair. Yeah, good for you. [quietly to himself] That is one dirty cop.

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