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Righteous Brothers

‘Righteous Brothers’

Season 2, Episode 18 - Aired April 17, 2005

When the model house starts sinking, Michael thinks it's time for George Sr. to leave the attic and turn himself in. Meanwhile, Tobias leaves Lindsay when he gets another shot at being in the Blue Man Group, and Ann invites George Michael to protest a screening of an American remake of Dangerous Cousins, which Maeby has produced.

Quote from George Michael

Ann: Oh, no. We're making it worse. Prepare to be swallowed into the depths of hell!
George Michael: So I guess that means no kiss?
Ann: I'm not really in the mood for a kiss. This isn't Marc Cherry's house.


Quote from Buster

Buster: Where's your dad?
George Michael: I don't know. I just got here.
Buster: Oh, that's right. Mother told me he went to jail. I'm so mad at her. Guess who I just found out my father is?
George Michael: Jail?
Buster: Oscar! He didn't mean to tell me, but I figured it out.
George Michael: No, I mean, my dad is in jail?
Buster: Oh, I wouldn't worry about it. Barry's very good. Okay, I'm going upstairs to take a long shower. I don't even want to smell like Mother anymore.
George Michael: I don't think we're supposed to shower right now, Bus-

Quote from George Sr.

Narrator: In fact, Oscar was on his way out of town when he was approached by George Sr who had just escaped from under the house.
George Sr.: I want you to turn me in so you can get the reward, take care of the family.
Oscar: Why would you do that for me?
George Sr.: Because we're brothers.
Narrator: Later, while George Sr. was shaving his unconscious brother's head... he wondered whether there really was a reward, and if there was a way he could get it. But there was no time, and getting even with his brother was reward enough. So it was Oscar who was going to be spending a little time alone in prison.

Quote from Gob

Michael: I guess Dad finally came through for us, huh? He actually made a sacrifice. Although who knows what he's up to. We should probably just stay away from him, let him have a little time alone in prison. He is right about one thing, though. We're brothers. We shouldn't be fighting. We cannot afford to lose each other.
Gob: I can't. I already lost a brother today.
Michael: Franklin?
Gob: Well, I didn't lose him. But he's all puckered and white.
Michael: On the plus side, you can take him to lunch at the club now.
Gob: [chuckles] That's the kind of joke he would have loved. [they hug] Oh, man! [sings] You know it's true Everything I do
Michael: Please don't do this.
Gob: I do it for you.

Quote from Buster

Narrator: In fact, Oscar had stayed with Lucille primarily to reconnect with Buster, whom he secretly believed to be his natural son.
Buster: Hey, Uncle. I feel so responsible for that.
Narrator: Oscar had gotten injured on a shoddy device George Sr. had invented when he forgot Buster was wearing a prosthetic hand.
Oscar: Buster! The Cornballer! [grabs the cornballer and screams]
Buster: It's my father's fault!
Oscar: My fault? I was trying to keep you from burning yourself, you idiot! I mean, yes, yes. George Sr. sure rushed this to market.

Quote from Gob

Gob: I tried to express something to you in a couple of those numbers and maybe, just maybe, heal this country a little bit. But you, you didn't even bother to listen to it.
Michael: I did listen to it. I-l-l-I am listening to it. Gob. Hey. Maybe the reason I didn't say anything is 'cause I didn't want to embarrass you. It's my favorite, favorite record.
Gob: Well, then you- you [bleep] up. Because I am so embarrassed.
Michael: It's a good CD. It's a really good CD.
Gob: I can't believe that you love it.
Michael: I love it so much.
Gob: Oh, God. Oh, God, look at us. Crying like a couple of girls.
Michael: Aw, you're the only one crying. But I love the music.
Gob: And the card with your face on it?
Michael: And the healing.
Gob: Home run! We'll do your dirty work for you, Mikey. You leave the rough stuff up to Franklin and me.

Quote from Gob

Gob: Hi, Dad.
George Sr.: Right.
Gob: You remember Franklin.
George Sr.: Hey, Franklin.
Gob: [as Franklin] My man! How 'bout some tongue?
George Sr.: Wha- Oh-
Narrator: But Franklin didn't want to kiss at all. Gob had soaked the puppet's mouth in ether.

Quote from Gob

Narrator: And soon, Gob was on his way to dump his father on the police station steps.
Gob: Do you forgive me? And he decided to let himself off the hook using his ventriloquist skills. [as George Sr.] I cherish you, Gob. Come here and give me a kiss. [normal voice] I'm driving, Dad. [as George Sr.] Now!
Narrator: It was weird. And that's when Gob noticed the CD and card that he'd made for Michael.
Gob: It's not even open. Michael!

Quote from Michael

Narrator: Meanwhile, Michael's meeting with Kitty wasn't as distressing as he'd thought.
Kitty: The program has changed my life. And I have a sponsor now. He's famous.
Michael: That's great.
Kitty: I can't tell you who he is. But let's just say that he was on Night Court.
Michael: Well, you look great.
Kitty: I can tell you who it's not. It's not Bull. It's not Harry Anderson.
Michael: I got it.
Kitty: He's white.
Michael: I know who it is.

Quote from Gob

Narrator: Michael was in police custody after a photo of him helping his father escape had turned up.
Michael: Did you see that picture? That's you, right? Were you holdin' up a photo of me or somethin'?
Gob: Of course you don't recognize it. It's the card from the CD you didn't even open.
Michael: You found that, did you?
Gob: Right between the gearbox and the "pull back from aircraft" lever. So this is how you repay me for how I repay you?

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