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Public Relations

‘Public Relations’

Season 1, Episode 11 - Aired January 25, 2004

Michael hires a publicist to improve the Bluth family image as he seeks to get George Michael admitted to a private school.

Quote from Michael

Michael: Okay, sure. She's... She's cute, I suppose. I mean, now that you're making me think about it, uh, she's cute. She's a cutie. She's a little cutie pie. But I never really noticed.


Quote from George Michael

Maeby: So, have you told your dad you don't want to go to that school?
George Michael: I'm thinking of just going. I mean, the graduates go on to do great things.
[Buster is hiding by the curtains, wearing a shirt that camouflages him against the wallpaper]
Maeby: I suppose, but that means we won't be going to the same high school.
George Michael: Man, it just keeps getting worse. But he's my Dad. I don't want to disappoint him.
Maeby: Man. You and I are so different. It's like we're not even related.
George Michael: That'd be amazing. [two male prisoners peer at George Michael through the TV] Oh, my God.

Quote from Michael

Michael: Maybe we should take a step back and just keep this relationship professional.
Jessie: Oh, I think that would take all the fun out of it.
Michael: No. Seriously, seriously. You're amazing, but I just think we should slow down.
Jessie: Uh-huh. So the two months on the bike, that was, what, for my health?
Michael: We had great conversations. Seriously, this is hard for me.
Jessie: This is hard for me too. I've got a life to get on track, and I don't like wasting time, so let's do this. Let's take two steps back and why don't you find yourself a new publicist? [turns and walks away]
Michael: Jessie. [Jessie turns back] No. I was just saying your name as you walked away. I didn't I have no follow-up. [door closes] Jessie.

Quote from Michael

Narrator: Michael was summoned to help his brother.
Michael: Murder, huh? Who died?
Gob: My career.
Michael: I'm going to go home now.
Gob: I lost a guy. I put him in the Aztec Tomb, and he disappeared.
Michael: Isn't that the point?

Quote from Gob

Narrator: Minutes later, Gob unloaded his equipment and made a surprising discovery.
Earl Milford: Don't send me back. They abuse us. It's not pleasant.
Gob: Earl, I have to take you back. It's the only way to clear my name.
Earl Milford: You'll have a new name: Hero.
Gob: Hero. That could work for me.

Quote from Maeby

Jessie: I mean about your father. About denying him his chance to be happy.
Maeby: You're into that too? I'm rubbing off on you, huh?
George Michael: No. I want my dad to be happy.
Jessie: It's too late now. I've seen to that. Daddy lost his shot at happy, and it's all your fault, Opie.
Narrator: Jessie had gone too far, and she had best watch her mouth.
Jessie: Michael's about to become the most unlikable man in town. Check the papers.
Maeby: She kind of reminds me of my mother.

Quote from Lindsay

Lindsay: "Lindsay's a combative, entitled princess"? I should hire somebody to kick your ass for that.
Lucille: Save your money.
Lindsay: Yeah, you're right. I'll do it myself.

Quote from George Michael

Michael: Look, George Michael, I want you to tell me how you feel, okay? I don't want you to worry so much about hurting my feelings.
George Michael: I didn't want to go to that school, and Jessie's a psycho.
Michael: That could've saved us a little bit of time.
George Michael: But, Dad, if you ever want to date anyone else, that's fine with me.
Michael: Yeah? Thanks, buddy.
George Michael: 'Cause you know, I mean, four women, that is kind of sad.
Michael: All right. Thank you.
George Michael: I mean, I know you got married in college, but that was your sophomore year. You had your whole freshman year to...
Michael: That's enough honesty for now.

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