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Missing Kitty

‘Missing Kitty’

Season 1, Episode 18 - Aired March 28, 2004

Michael ignores his father's instructions and fires Kitty, the assistant who has inside knowledge of The Bluth company.

Quote from George Sr.

George Sr.: What are you doing firing Kitty? You can't fire Kitty. First of all, you don't have hiring and firing power.
Michael: I do. And I had to. She's crazy.
George Sr.: That's why you don't fire her. You don't fire crazy. You never fire crazy.
Michael: Dad, she's incompetent. She's completely unprofessional. Look, she just came back from sick leave, uh, with these... Oh, my God, you paid for those, didn't you?
George Sr.: Look, you got carried away. Hell, I've- I've been so corrupted by my power that I even enjoyed firing my own twin brother. You should have seen his face when he was begging me not to. Well, he's my twin brother. I can show you. [crying, mumbling] [laughing] It was funny. But, you know Kitty had access to all kinds of information. God knows what she poked her nose into.
George Sr.: There's enough evidence on this boat to put me away. The only real thing I have- Oh, God, there's nothing to hold on to down there. You're like a boy.
Kitty: What's wrong with you?
George Sr.: All these books are cooked! [sobs]


Quote from Gob

Michael: Hey, I want you to explain something to me. I'm out looking for Kitty and I find my son in the middle of a Girls With Low Self-Esteem video.
George Michael: Don't worry. He's gonna be covered with a blue dot. Look, he approached me. And as for Kitty, I think you're crazy to have fired her. Who knows what kind of information she has?
Gob: [sobs] He's my brother, and he's never even said "Good job." I just want him to love me, you know?
Kitty: Wow, you get really girlie after, huh?
Gob: Yeah, she definitely knows way too much.

Quote from Tobias

Narrator: Meanwhile, Tobias found his experience as a therapist was helping him deal with his new cell mate.
Tobias: Yes, but where does the hate come from, Bill? What causes it?
White Power Bill: The Jews, I guess.
Tobias: Sure. But I think you need to look deeper. I think these are issues of self-esteem. I know what it's like. I know how it feels to have a father, or, in my case, a father-in-law who doesn't respect you. Any- Anyhoo, we have very little time before this, uh, 4:00 pounding you promised me. I'm gonna take a shot at something and say that I think you hate White Power Bill.
White Power Bill: I hate you!
Tobias: You hate White Power Bill.
White Power Bill: I hate the government!
Tobias: You hate White Power Bill.
White Power Bill: I hate my father!
Man: [over P.A.] Recreation. All prisoners, one hour.
Tobias: Go get 'em.
White Power Bill: I hate White Power Bill. [jumps]

Quote from Lucille

Lindsay: Where's the money, Mom? I want the money.
Lucille: Well, you can't have it. It's in a trust fund for Annyong.
Maeby: Annyong?
Lucille: No one can touch it but me and I retain control of it until he's 18.
Michael: Well, I don't know what's more offensive the fact you didn't tell us about our grandmother's death or that you sunk a $700,000 yacht!
Lucille: Stop lecturing me. I just lost my mother.

Quote from Lindsay

Michael: You're not dressed yet? I thought you were working for me today at the office.
Lindsay: You guys stay open during spring break?
Michael: Well, we're not Orthodox. But don't worry about it.

Quote from Narrator

Michael: Why'd you have to get sick now? Huh? What was the rush?
Narrator: In fact, it was the previous year's spring break that was responsible for Kitty's rush when the makers of the popular video series Girls With Low Self-Esteem, chose not to include her.

Quote from Michael

Michael: Put the shirt back down and keep on moving. You're fired.
Kitty: I work for your father. You don't have the hiring and firing power.
Michael: I absolutely do, and you're fired.
Kitty: I don't think your father is gonna be very happy about this. But take a good look, 'cause it's the last time! [elevator doors close]
Michael: That's the seventh nipple I've seen today.

Quote from George Sr.

Michael: I'm sorry. I gotta do my job.
George Sr.: And I gotta get out of prison. Next time someone threatens me, I may not have a son-in-law to offer.
Michael: I can't come in here all the t- "Offer"?
George Sr.: I may not have a son-in-law to offer me counseling. You know, he should have stayed a shrink. He's very gifted, you know.
Narrator: In fact, Tobias had even produced a videotape but its brief success was due to its misleading name. Once this was discovered, all but 10 of the videos were returned.

Quote from Lucille

Lucille: There's just absolutely no purse that will go with this outfit. You've got a little pocket there, Annyong.
Annyong: Annyong.
Lucille: Hmm. That's not getting old.

Quote from Michael

Michael: Buddy, what are you doing here?
George Michael: I'm dying to see how he makes this yacht disappear.
Michael: He's not going to make the yacht disappear. I told him that.
George Michael: It's driving me crazy. It's like a mind puzzle, an awesome mind puzzle.
Narrator: Michael looked at his son and saw that he truly was inspired by his uncle that perhaps the boy actually admired him.
Michael: I gotta get you out of here. You're gonna come work with me at the office. Go wait in the stair car.

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