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Season 4, Episode 15 -  Aired May 26, 2013

George Michael is kicked out of his dorm after falling out with his roommate, prompting him to take up an offer from Gob for a house in Sudden Valley.

Quote from Gob

Narrator: And now wishing he'd actually packed the bag, George Michael aimlessly headed out onto the campus where, as fate would have it, he ran into his beeping uncle.
George Michael: [bleep]. What are you doing here?
Gob: I was in the neighborhood. I happened to remember how much you love bologna.
George Michael: Huh?
Gob: So, yeah, I just I found this great ShopRite and I just thought, "You know who's got to have a taste of this, "is young George Michael."
Narrator: He didn't think George Michael liked bologna. He was trying to correct a bad impression he felt he might have made with his nephew a few nights earlier.
George Michael: My God, Uncle Gob, what is this?
Gob: Can't lie to you, George Michael, it's a Forget-Me-Now. I wanted you to forget what happened at that magic club. I was embarrassed.
George Michael: If you don't want me to tell anyone about it, I won't.
Gob: I'm such a fool. I go to those things too quickly. Really, it's just the age we live in, isn't it? Take a pill to forget your problems. Take a pill to go to sleep. And take a pill to forget your problems. Need an erection, take a pill. Need to forget your problems, take a pill. Take a pill and your problems are forgotten. Take a pill. What an age we live in. It's great, isn't it?


Quote from Gob

Gob: Boy, am I glad you're here. I need money and it's not for what you think, for a magic show or a bee colony. It's to pay the builders I hired to start building the fake wall between Mexico and America.
George Sr.: Shh. Are you crazy? Lucille 2 is around here.
Gob: Well, don't worry about Lucille 2. I'll handle her. It's just that I need to pay the Chinese.
George Sr.: Wait, wait. You hired Chinese?
Gob: Well, I figured, who better than the Chinese to build a wall? But, no, I couldn't afford them, so I hired, um... They're technically Mongols, I guess. They're the people that they built the wall to try to keep out.
George Sr.: How many- How many did you hire?
Gob: A horde. That's the minimum. They don't come in anything less than a horde.
George Sr.: So you hired a Mongol horde.
Gob: Look, Dad, I just... If they don't get their money soon, they're gonna be really mad and then they're gonna have a major Mongolian beef with us. There they are.
George Sr.: We don't have any money.
Gob: Well, he says that we don't have any money.

Quote from George Michael

Narrator: George Michael shared his relationship problem with the one other woman he'd had a relationship problem with.
George Michael: Well, she's not really my girlfriend. I mean, I'm crazy about her, but she wants to keep things anonymous, and I don't know how to do that.
Maeby: Oh, that's ridiculous.
George Michael: Right.
Maeby: You haven't told her your real name yet, have you?
George Michael: What? No, no. No, she still thinks I'm George Maharis. But she's dating another guy, which is probably the whole reason she's always saying I'm moving too fast. I take things too seriously. I take things too serious. I take things too seriously. I need to note which one of those is correct, because I sound like a horse's ass when I alternate between the two of them. I need to get my [bleep] together.
Maeby: Yeah.
George Michael: But the point is that I take things... easily-breezily.
Maeby: Well, a real serioush woman knows what she wants and moves quickly.
George Michael: "Serioush" is nothing. That's not a word.

Quote from Gob

George Michael: Hey, I'm actually really glad I ran into you. I could use some advice.
Gob: Oh. Love each other.
George Michael: Oh, no, that's great, but I actually need a specific piece of advice for a certain situation. I'll give it to you fast. Basically, for the past few weeks, I've been living a lie. I've been in this relationship with a woman who doesn't even know.
[Gob tunes out as he hears Simon and Garfunkel's "Sounds of Silence"]
George Michael: ...So, basically now I can either tell her that there is no George Maharis, and never was, or we keep things anonymous and I continue the lie that Fakeblock exists.
Gob: From my perspective, something about "there's a girl"... Did you... Does she like you? I mean, you're not the world's most handsome guy.
George Michael: Yeah, no, she likes-
Gob: I would say what I did take away was that I would rather have sex with someone because they thought I was someone else than not have sex with someone because they thought I was me.
George Michael: So I should probably do the opposite of that and be true to who I am and not compromise my integrity just for some fleeting sexual experience. So, "Love each other."
Gob: There it is.

Quote from George Michael

Narrator: So, as he straightened up his room, he got this call.
George Michael: [answers phone] Hey, Dad.
Michael: George Michael, hey. Got out of it. I made a ton of people angry, but you know what I always say, family...
George Michael: Well, gosh, you know, I really wanted to do that, but I just had this work thing come up. And it's like you always say, family first, unless there's a work thing, and then work first.
Michael: I have said that, too. So, another time.
George Michael: Okay.

Quote from George Michael

Rebel: So, wait, is this where you conceived Fakeblock?
Narrator: It was George Michael's first chance to truly be unpretentious and undo the big lie. On the other hand, she thought he was an unpretentious software genius. If she were to learn that he was merely a woodblock player with a heightened ability to track the passage of time, perhaps she would rightly feel lack of pretension should be a given. It was after second twenty-three...
George Michael: Twenty-four. Yes, it was right in here.
Rebel: Wow.
George Michael: Yeah.
Rebel: This is like making love with the Wright brothers in their bicycle shop.
Narrator: I'm sure she just meant one of them. Hey, how about her knowing they had a bicycle shop?

Quote from Gob

Gob: What's with the suitcase?
George Michael: I got kicked out of my dorm.
Gob: That was a freebie. You in the market to buy a house? It's a great time to buy.
George Michael: Oh, I don't want to buy a house. I don't have that kind of money.
Gob: Money? Ninja, please. You don't need money. With that Fakeblock thing you got going and your great credit rating, we can put you in a Bluth in no time.
Narrator: Frankly, it wasn't the kind of risk George Michael would take.
Gob: But then Gob said something that changed his mind. Plus, it would make your dad proud. I know that he's still really disappointed about you...
George Michael: What, that I blew him off?
Gob: ...blew him off. Boy, is he disappointed about that.
George Michael: I would love to say yes.
Gob: Yes! There it is! I got my much-vaunted yes!

Quote from George Michael

Rebel: I'm seeing someone else, but I don't want to get serious with him, either, and you're out telling people in the neighborhood that we're seeing each other. What happened to the guy who founded Fakeblock? The guy who keeps things anonymous?
George Michael: I can do anonymous. You know, I'm all about staying anonymous. That's Fakeblock's mission statement.

Quote from Michael

Narrator: And that's when Michael ran into a son...
Michael: George Michael, what are you doing here?
Narrator: ...who was eager to make him proud.
George Michael: I'm home.
Narrator: But George Michael had suddenly found himself with enormous debt...
Michael: You bought this house?
Narrator: ...and tried to hide his panic.
Michael: Why would you buy one of these pieces of sh...ort-term investments?

Quote from George Michael

George Michael: Well, you know, Gob told me that you wanted to start selling these things, not just renting them, and I knew it was important to you.
Michael: He said all that? Boy, that was... That's nice of him. How could you afford one of these houses, buddy?
George Michael: Well, I have a lot of money coming in from investors for my software thing-
Michael: Okay.
George Michael: And I don't know what's gonna happen with that, so I thought I'd do what everyone around here says, put it into Bluth.
Michael: Yeah, who else is saying that?
George Michael: You know, it's an expression. Neighbors.
Michael: I don't like it.

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