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Wrong Delivery

‘Wrong Delivery’

Season 2, Episode 2 - Aired September 28, 2022

After the Abbott Elementary teachers get a look inside the local charter school, Janine is determined to give Abbott a fresh look. Meanwhile, Gregory avoids Barbara after his relationship with her daughter fizzled out.

Quote from Ava

Ava: Welcome to the Tank. What do you have for us?
Barbara: Uh, we're just here to retrieve some books.
Melissa: 'Cause this is, you know, a library.
Ava: You both are annoying me, and for that reason, I'm out.
Melissa: We don't want to be in!
Ava: Nevertheless, it's a no.


Quote from Mr. Johnson

Mr. Johnson: Don't worry. I figured out the problem.
Janine: W-W-What is it, Mr. Johnson?
Mr. Johnson: There's a bunch of mice runnin' around.
Janine: We know that, Mr. Johnson!
Mr. Johnson: Oh. You're up to speed, then.

Quote from Ava

Janine: Yep. Okay, let's just get wipes.
Melissa: There you go.
Janine: Yeah. The kids don't need to feel special.
Ava: Well, if that's all you want, I can make somebody feel special for less than $350.
Janine: Ava, I've said I do not want to go to a strip club with you.
Ava: That wasn't an invitation, girl. I just needed some ones. And lots of 'em. [laughs] But, no, I have another idea.

Quote from Jacob

Mr. Johnson: How's that petering out going?
Gregory: [clears throat] Well, it turns out that Taylor was actually petering out on me.
Jacob: Whoa, she petered? That's amazing.
Gregory: How is that amazing?
Jacob: Because, man, that's what people used to do to me. Huh? Just one more thing we have in common.

Quote from Ava

Janine: Maybe we can use some of the grant money to fix that.
Barbara: We already decided that we were gonna use that money for cleaning supplies.
Gregory: This school is just filthy.
Ava: Are my ears burning? Huh? Mm. You know what? I respect Barbara and her lil' daughter Taylor too much to hit on you publicly. Nice arms, though.

Quote from Barbara

Barbara: Why don't we walk over there and find out for ourselves during lunch? Need to get my steps in, and it's closer to the cheesesteak spot... Another perk.
Janine: Only like a block closer, but, yeah, let's do it.

Quote from Janine

Jacob: That's Ms. Schwartz, the teacher you replaced.
Gregory: The one who kicked a student?
Ms. Schwartz: Oh, I don't do that anymore. [laughs] Because of therapy and anger management. Also, at a charter school, there's a lot less oversight in the hiring process, so it's been pretty sweet.
Barbara: Well, sweetheart, it's good to see you, and the school is wonderful.
Ms. Schwartz: Yeah. Are those my books?
Janine: Oh, yeah.
Ms. Schwartz: Ohh! I've been kicking myself for losing them. [all laugh] Something funny?
Janine: No.

Quote from Janine

Ms. Schwartz: You guys want a little tour?
Janine: Yes.
Ms. Schwartz: Okay, so... this is the language lab. The kids are currently learning French. Bonjour!
Kids: Bonjour!
All: Aww!
Ms. Schwartz: Yeah. Over there are our restrooms, which are awesome because the baños don't attack you here.
Janine: Oh, I fixed that toilet, so...
Ms. Schwartz: Okay. Uh, the music teacher comes ♪ twice a week ♪
Janine: ♪ Abbott's comes twice a week, as well ♪
Barbara: Just lying.

Quote from Janine

Ms. Schwartz: And this little diddly is our computer lab. [Janine gasps] You know, the kids love it, and it's improved reading scores just across the board.
Janine: Is that Mavis Beacon?
Ms. Schwartz: Yeah, this place is the best. [chuckles] We did have a little mice problem, but we called people to humanely get rid of them, so... Instead of chasing them with sticks, you know? [Melissa chuckles awkwardly]
Janine: That's so great.
Ms. Schwartz: It really is great!
Kya: It's so great here!
Janine: It's really great at Abbott, too!

Quote from Jacob

Jacob: Whoa! You look hot. Warm. Y-You're sweating.
Gregory: Yeah, my classroom is sweltering, and I can't remember the way Barbara showed us how to open up the windows. How do you do that again?
Jacob: Oh, well, I am flattered you thought to ask me first, but that's definitely more of a Barbara question.
Gregory: That's what Janine said.
Jacob: Oh, so I wasn't first.
Gregory: You know, it's fine. Sweating is good for the students. It stimulates the brain.
Jacob: Wait, wait. Why aren't you just asking Barbara? Is there something else going on?
Gregory: Don't worry about it.
Jacob: Okay, but I will worry about it, you know, and every time I see you, I'll be thinking about it and want to talk about it.

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