‘Story Samurai’
Season 2, Episode 3 - Aired October 5, 2022
Janine tries to stop Jacob from embarrassing himself in front of the whole school when his old storytelling troupe pay a visit to Abbott Elementary. Meanwhile, Melissa struggles to teach a combined second and third-grade class.
Quote from Melissa
Melissa: Man, this double class is kicking my ass. I need my extra-large coffee mug.
Jacob: Did you read that article the other day about how matcha... Actually more efficient at awakening the nervous system than coffee?
Melissa: Oh, yeah? Was that in Who Gives A Crap Weekly?
Jacob: It was in The New Yorker.
Melissa: Oh, so Who Gives A Crap Biweekly
Quote from Janine
Janine: Look, Jacob, at the end of the day, I'm corny, and at the beginning of the day, too, but I don't care as much.
Jacob: Okay, but that is different, because you are African-American.
Janine: Dit-dit-dit! See, when you said "African," that's corny. It just is. Look, you are a white teacher in a Black school.
Jacob: I am not Hilary Swank in Freedom Writers.
Janine: You are Hilary Swank in Freedom Writers. You are Michelle Pfeiffer in Dangerous Minds. You are Sandra Bullock in...
Jacob: In Bird Box?
Janine: In The Blind Side. [gasps]
Jacob: Too far.
Janine: Too far, I know. I'm sorry about that. I know.
Quote from Ava
Ava: [to Melissa] I told you, we got an aide if you need it.
Barbara: She's got this. She's a veteran. Veterans don't need that help.
Melissa: Exactly. You save those aides for the young'ns.
Ava: Alright, well, don't say I didn't try to help. Everybody say young Ava is unreliable, but even a broken clock is right once a day.
Melissa: Twice a day.
Ava: Whatever!
Quote from Janine
Janine: [aside to camera] This is too corny, even for me. But Jacob loves it, so thank goodness it's in his past and he isn't up there. [chuckles] I get it, though. If my Degrassi reenactment group showed up and performed here, I'd be excited, too. [chuckles] Shout-out to the guy who played the original Jimmy. Wonder what he's up to. Heh. He is... He's Drake. I'm aware that he is Drake. Yeah.
Quote from Ava
Janine: [to Gregory] But I did convince Jacob not to perform. Thank goodness.
[aside to camera:]
Ava: That girl isn't ruining this for me. She can be so selfish. Like last week, when she wouldn't pretend to be my daughter at McDonald's so I could get a Happy Meal. [scoffs]
Quote from Jacob
Ava: Jacob, hair and makeup are ready for you.
Jacob: You know what, Ava? I don't think I'm going to do the performance, and, um... By the way, would a "corny" person stage a one-man show called The Color Urkel?
Ava: Did you do that? Then yeah.
Quote from Mr. Johnson
Jacob: Hey, and if you guys thought the Malcolm X Games was cool, just wait till you see Rosa Parks and Rec.
Mr. Johnson: Hey, Siri. [watch dings] Clear my afternoon and set a reminder to watch this boy embarrass himself.
Quote from Ava
Janine: Ava, have you seen a... [holds up Doomsday Preppers Digest magazine] Is this you?
Ava: Oh. That must have fell in there by mistake. Mind your business.
Gregory: What you looking for?
Janine: Uh, I lost something.
Ava: What? Your sense of style? Ha ha! Up top!
Janine: No.
Ava: You a hater.
Quote from Mr. Johnson
Janine: Uh, it was a shawl that was in my classroom. It was my warmest one. I am so cold.
Gregory: [chuckles] You think someone took it?
Janine: Who would just take a shawl?
Ava: [enters wearing a shawl] Why would I, Ava Coleman, take something from Janine?
Janine: Look, I am not accusing anyone, but... Mr. Johnson took my shawl!
Mr. Johnson: Why does the lost and found have a five-day waiting period if we're not gonna enforce it? [uses shawl to polish surface]
Janine: Aah!
Mr. Johnson: It's called functional fashion.
Ava: Yeah! That shawl chose him.
Quote from Ava
Ava: Damn. It's more intense in here than my at-home float tank. What y'all doing?
Janine: Prepping.
Ava: Mm. Working before work? Couldn't be me.