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This Little Dick Went to Market

‘This Little Dick Went to Market’

Season 5, Episode 14 - Aired February 29, 2000

When Dick hears about fortunes being made on the stock market, he goes all in on one company so he can take Mary to Cancun. Meanwhile, Sally is jealous of a new cop.

Quote from Sally

Tommy: So, Sally, you didn't take Janice out?
Sally: No. We actually bonded, and I learned that I can be vulnerable and still have my edge.
Tommy: What does that mean?
Sally: It means that I can be a killing machine, just not when The View is on.


Quote from Dick

Tommy: She used you as a thighmaster, huh?
Harry: No. Janice was as gentle as a lamb. No. I was walking home, and Dick jumped off the roof onto my head.
Dick: I didn't jump. I was pushed.
Sally: You were pushed? So Albright was that pissed at you, huh?
Dick: But she only pushed me the first time.
Tommy: You asked for it. You fired me.
Dick: I was cutting costs.
Tommy: I was doing all the work.
Dick: You were slacking off.
Tommy: I hate you!
Dick: I was being a responsible stockholder!

Quote from Harry

Sally: What's the deal with her, Don? She's all show and no go, am I right?
Don: Oh, anything but, Sally. She's strong as an ox, smart as a whip, and tough as a Sunday steak on Thursday. She's like RoboCop.
Sally: Oh, so she's a robot.
Harry: That's no robot, Sally. Robot don't smell that good.

Quote from Harry

Harry: Hi, Sally.
Sally: Harry, when we first landed on this planet, I was a fierce warrior. I used to break down doors and beat up auto mechanics. I'm still a bad-ass, right?
Harry: You terrify me on a daily basis. Yeah, I'm afraid to ask you to pass the salt.

Quote from Harry

Janice: Hey, Harry. Where you goin'?
Harry: Well, that's for me to know and for you to find out. Please find out.

Quote from Harry

Sally: Harry, what's happened to me?
Harry: Still thinking about Janice, huh? Yeah. Me, too.
Sally: I've always been stronger than anyone I've ever known. It's the most important thing to me. Somehow, I lost my edge.
Harry: She made me fall in love with her.
Sally: My assignment on this mission is to protect the unit, but I am powerless against her.
Harry: She's a voodoo mama.
Sally: I'm a soldier, damn it. This is unacceptable.
Harry: I wonder if she sleeps naked commando-style.
Sally: I have to destroy her. If I can't I don't deserve to be here. [exits]
Harry: I bet I could climb her like a tree. I'd be like a 5-year-old at Disneyland.

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