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Goose Grease

‘Goose Grease’

Season 1, Episode 18 - Aired April 6, 2022

Dean is hoping to spend some male bonding time with his father and grandfather in the woods, but when he comes down with the chicken pox, the Williams men are forced to quarantine together.

Quote from Granddaddy Clisby

Dean: Where did this come from?
Granddaddy Clisby: I called my goose guy.
Dean: Why do you need a goose?
Granddaddy Clisby: To make goose grease.
Adult Dean: If Granddaddy Clisby thought he was making things clearer, he was wrong.
Bill: Can someone tell me what the heck a pre-wash is? Dad, no.
Granddaddy Clisby: Kept you healthy your whole childhood, son.
Bill: More like it kept me smelling bad and swatting flies my whole childhood.
Dean: Dad, Granddad's about to teach me to make goose grease. You should join us, then it'll be the three generations of Williams men making memories.
Bill: I'm not participating in any of this nonsense.
Granddaddy Clisby: Pay him no attention. You're about to learn the magic of goose grease.


Quote from Granddaddy Clisby

Dean: What about one of your war stories, Dad?
Bill: Aw.
Granddaddy Clisby: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tell him about the time that you sliced your finger while cutting a tomato during the Battle of Ham Sandwich. You see, your brother, Bruce, and I fought in combat while your father was banging pots in the safety of the kitchen.
Bill: Well, they say an army marches to battle on its stomach.
Granddaddy Clisby: Well, you got that right. [both laugh]

Quote from Granddaddy Clisby

Lillian: Dean, I can see you've been scratching. I brought you something for the itch. Y'all need to use it.
Granddaddy Clisby: No, ma'am. I'm not taking the White man's medicine.
Bill: Dad, I know you don't trust doctors, but you can't avoid them forever.
Granddaddy Clisby: Watch me.
Bill: See what I'm putting up with over here?

Quote from Granddaddy Clisby

Granddaddy Clisby: I'm, uh, I'm heading home. It's dinner time.
Dean: It's 4:30, Granddad.
Granddaddy Clisby: Damn. It's gonna be cold.
Lillian: Clisby, have you had chicken pox before?
Granddaddy Clisby: I've had everything from the Spanish flu, mustard gas, hoof-and-mouth. You name it, I'm immune to it.

Quote from Granddaddy Clisby

Granddaddy Clisby: I've got my own remedies. Much better than any doctor's. You'll see.
[later, the doorbell rings and Dean opens the front door to find a dead bird wrapped up on the front porch]
Dean: [yelps]
Granddaddy Clisby: Oh, good. My goose is here.

Quote from Granddaddy Clisby

Adult Dean: Granddaddy surprised everybody with his perfect blood test, proving that he's inexplicably as healthy as a horse. My dad, on the other hand, found out he has high cholesterol.
Bill: Come on, Lil. Why don't you give me a little piece of that roast?
Lillian: Bill, you had two eggs this morning. You're already over your limit for the day. Come on, it's just 'til you get your numbers down.
Granddaddy Clisby: Mmm! This pot roast is delicious. Well, maybe you could trade one bite for one egg next week. [laughter]
Bill: So this is how it's gonna be?

Quote from Kim

Kim: Ew. What is with all this noise? I can't hear myself think.
Lillian: Stop. Don't move. Dean has chicken pox.
Kim: Oh, you are not getting me sick. I just got over mono.
Bill: Mono? You said it was a lingering cold.
Kim: We need to be worried about Dean right now.

Quote from Granddaddy Clisby

Bill: First off, we're gonna have to divvy up the household duties.
Granddaddy Clisby: Well, since you were a cook in the Army, it's only right that you cook for us.
Bill: Wow. Thanks for the vote of confidence.
Granddaddy Clisby: Yeah, see, I was in the infantry, like a real man. So I'll be sure to shoot the first one who tries to break in.

Quote from Granddaddy Clisby

Granddaddy Clisby: God did not take Adam's rib so he could scrub a pot.
Dean: You'll get used to doing chores. Doing them together could even be fun.
Granddaddy Clisby: You know what's really fun? Making money. How's about I give you 50 cents a day to do my chores?
Adult Dean: While I was hoping all of us roughing it together would create a lifelong memory, I couldn't turn down a solid side hustle.
Granddaddy Clisby: And don't tell your father.

Quote from Dean

Granddaddy Clisby: Yeah. Now, doesn't that feel better? [chuckles]
Adult Dean: It actually did help with the itching. And my skin felt amazing! Never been so soft and supple.
Bill: I can smell y'all from inside.
Granddaddy Clisby: Well, that means it's working.
Bill: It does make me a little nostalgic for home.
Granddaddy Clisby: Mm-hmm!
Dean: [chuckles] Hey, Dad, maybe you should put some on. Then the three of us could... [flies buzz] Oh, no! Here come the flies! They bite! They bite! Eyes! Not the eyes!

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