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Season 6, Episode 15 - Aired February 4, 2010

Michael is uncomfortable with all the changes at the office when Dunder Mifflin is taken over Sabre.

Quote from Pam

Jim: Okay, this is officially the cutest thing I've ever seen. Cubbies. I totally forgot about cubbies.
Pam: There's a finger-painting station and a curly slide. Am I too old to go here?


Quote from Andy

Andy: I am telling you, there are no strawberries in here.
Erin: Well, I saw them in there.
Andy: Well, maybe they ran away, because the pizza was like, [Italian accent] "Hey, get out of here, you stupid strawberries."
[aside to camera:]
Erin: I think when Andy finally asks me out he's going to try to top what he did with the drum line. I can't wait to see what he comes up with.
[aside to camera:]
Andy: The ball's totally in Erin's court. After the whole drum line thing.

Quote from Jo

Gabe: [on video chat] First let me say that I told them everything you wanted me to say, in just the way you wanted me to say it, so...
Jo: Gabe, honey, I love this. I love the sound of your voice. But I really need some new information now.
Gabe: Okay, um, I told the story of your uncle, and I have a feeling that you would have [Michael gesturing behind computer] really been proud of the way... Okay, um...
Jo: Wait a minute, who is it? Who's there? Is there somebody in the room with you? [Michael gesturing "no"] I want to see who it is. Turn me around.
Gabe: I don't- it's just...
Jo: Turn me around. Now.

Quote from Jim

Jerry: Good to see you. Come on in. My office is right back here. This is the play room.
Jim: This is great. Got to confess, we came a little early, so we got a quick look around, but, uh -
Jerry: Oh, so you saw it already?
Jim: No, no, no, no. Yes. We saw this, yes. No, it wasn't like a look around. We really just had a peek. Quick peek. Didn't focus on anything in particular.

Quote from David

Mrs. Wallace: Hey, honey. How's your day going? Did you do anything cool?
David: Uh, no, sweetie. I just hung out.
Mrs. Wallace: Oh, 'cause I saw you had shoes on, so I didn't know if you did anything.
David: No. Just hanging out, honey. You remember Michael.

Quote from Jim

Jim: There was one thing we were curious about, uh, your flexibility on things like Easter or Memorial Day, because we might want to change our days around a little bit.
Jerry: That seems a bit premature, don't you think? I don't even know if I have a space for you yet, and you're already lining up your holiday plans.
Jim: Oh, no, sorry. Just, um, we're kind of planners. But we're also flexible too, so you know what? Maybe we can just discuss it when the time comes.
Jerry: Yeah, if the time comes, we can discuss it.
Pam: Is this because Jim walked in on you going to the bathroom?
Jim: What?
Jerry: Seriously? You told her?
Jim: Did it? It- It might have come up while we were waiting for you.
Jerry: And you- You thought that might have something to do with how the meeting is going?
Jim: No.
Pam: Maybe, because it doesn't seem to be going super well.
Jerry: Well, you didn't consider the fact that it might not be going super well just because it might not be going super well?
Pam: Nope. 'Cause we're really nice people but you don't seem to like us.
Jerry: I'm being perfectly pleasant. Did you ever consider that you might not be as charming as you think you are?
Jim: Oh, this coming from the guy who still uses a children's toilet? Why didn't you just lock the door, man?
Jerry: It doesn't lock for the children's safety.
Jim: Anybody could have walked in.
Jerry: It was story time.

Quote from Andy

Andy: Hey, any fun weekend plans?
Erin: No, you?
Andy: Uh, no, actually. So nothing? No movies, or parties, or anything you might want to invite someone to?
Erin: Nothing. It's wide open.
Andy: Okay.
[aside to camera:]
Andy: That's as hard as I can hint.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: Well, I'm not really one for making speeches.
Oscar: Yes.
Angela: Yes, you are.
Kevin: You make a lot.
Michael Scott: But I feel pretty good right now. I really do. A lot better than I did earlier. Let me tell you.
Angela: That's your toast?
Michael Scott: No. This is my toast. I think this whole thing with Sabre is going to work out. I have a very good feeling about it.
Phyllis: Michael, this isn't a toast. You're just thinking out loud.
Michael Scott: Here's my toast. Orange juice is in here. And, like Saber, it is from Florida, and it is good.
Kevin: Just 'cause you have liquid that doesn't make it a toast.
Michael Scott: Here's the toast! I'm gonna do it now. Raise your container to us and to Sabre.
All: To us and to Sabre.
Michael Scott: Mm. Wow. That is metallicy. Ugh. That's like drinking a battery. Ah, really gets you in the fillings, doesn't it? Okay, anyway, welcome.

Quote from David

David: [singing and playing keyboard as his son, Teddy, plays the drums] Well, it's a mess, what a mess. What you gonna do? You're going to take out your Suck It and you suck it. Suck it. Yeah, take out your Suck It and you suck it.
Teddy: Suck it!
David: Yeah!
Teddy: Suck it!
David: Yeah!
Teddy: Suck it!
David: Yeah! Take out the Suck It and we'll...
Teddy: Suck it!
David: Yeah!
Teddy: Suck it!
David: Yeah!
Both: Take out my Suck It and we'll suck it.
David: Yeah! Teddy!
Teddy: Yeah.

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