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The Final Four

‘The Final Four’

Season 1, Episode 19 - Aired March 31, 2010

Mike's dream comes true when Mr. Ehlert gives him two tickets to the Final Four, but unfortunately for him the game is the same day as the funeral for Frankie's uncle.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: Forget it, Mike, I guess we just have cultural differences I wasn't aware of.
Mike: Cultural differ... What are you talking about? Cultural differences? We're both from here.
Frankie: Well, you'd never know it. Death is a big deal to my family, Mike. We do death very well. Not like your family, you toss them in a hole and drink.
Mike: Either way, they end up in the same place.
Frankie: And how are we gonna explain to Axl why his father isn't going? Oh, this is just a little amendment to what we said before. We do for family. Unless something better comes along and then to hell with it. I don't know why we're talking about it. You won, Mike. You won, you're not going, you won. You won, you won, you won.
Mike: Fine, I'll go to the funeral.
Frankie: Thank you.
Mike: Fine. Then it's settled. We don't have to talk about it again.


Quote from Brick

Frankie: [v.o.] Brick was learning a band of master criminals is only as strong as its weakest link.
Sue: I can't handle the pressure. I'm going to go to Mom. I'm going to turn myself in.
Brick: Pull yourself together. The only way this goes bad is if you lose it.
Sue: I never should have lied. You talked me into it.
Brick: You're in this as deep as I am. You got your math homework done. You got your precious A.
Sue: I don't wanna be a part of this anymore. I want out. I want out.
Brick: You should have thought of that before you got in.

Quote from Mike

Axl: So I picked up Aunt Edie's photo albums for the funeral. I didn't know Aunt Edie lived with us.
Mike: What?
Axl: Yeah, I found this picture of her and me when I was a baby. She said she lived here for a while.
Mike: Oh, yeah, after you were born, your mom and I both had to work, and you'd never sleep, so Aunt Edie moved in for a few months and helped take care of you.
Axl: Hmm.
Mike: Hmm.
[Mike goes to see Frankie in their bedroom]
Mike: I wanna go to the funeral. I really do. [Frankie hugs Mike]
Frankie: [v.o.] And there it was. Mike wanted to go to the funeral. He didn't want to want to go. But he did.

Quote from Mike

Mike: I am recording the games. I got beer in the fridge, bags of chips. When I get home, I'm taking off my pants and watching the whole thing.
Axl: Uh, that's really cutting edge that you're taping that on your VCR. But for those of us who aren't living in the '80s, I'll be getting tweets of the score.
Mike: You so much as breathe a word of that score to me, and that phone's going in the ground with Uncle Mac.

Quote from Sue

Sue: I just wish she'd punish me and get it over with because the guilt is killing me. Mom trusted me. Now she'll know I'm not the child she thinks I am and I'll have lost that trust forever.
Frankie: Okay, guys, time to go.
Sue: Mom, there's something I have to tell you. I called Mrs. Siccola. I called her about the party.
Frankie: Oh, honey, thank you. Oh, I've been meaning to do that all week. And an A on your math homework too. You are my good girl. [walks away]
Brick: We got away with it.
Sue: But at what cost, Brick? At what cost? [Brick shakes his head]

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: Come on, Aunt Edie's probably already there. We don't wanna be late.
Mike: [groans] I don't feel so good.
Frankie: Yeah, nice try, you're still going.
Mike: No, I got this pain in my gut. I feel like I might be sick.
Frankie: That's how you know you're doing the right thing.

Quote from Brick

[In the church, Brick is waving to other people]
Frankie: Brick, what are you doing?
Brick: I'm trying to find the guy with the toe for a thumb.

Quote from Mike

Frankie: I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. How was I supposed to know it was all for nothing? Listen, go to Indianapolis. You can still catch the second game. We'll find a ride home. Take Axl and go.
Mike: Okay. [groans] Axl, you're gonna have to drive. [grunts] Hey, get us there by tip-off, I'll buy you a Hoosier dog. [groans]
Frankie: [v.o.] That's the thing about life. You wake up, you never know what's gonna happen. You get handed tickets to the Final Four, your uncle dies. You think your husband's faking it and he has appendicitis.
E.M.T.: Do you have any allergies? Anything we need to know?
Mike: One thing. If you know the scores from the Final Four, don't tell me.
Surgeon: Now, don't worry, we're gonna pop that appendix out and you'll be good as new.
Anesthesiologist: He's almost out.
Surgeon: Hell of a game, huh?
Anesthesiologist: Oh, best finish I ever saw.
Surgeon: Great day to be a Duke fan.
Mike: [muffled] No!

Quote from Mike

Frankie: [v.o.] At the end of the day, wrong or right, you do for family. Whether they appreciate it or not. Whether they even know it or not. You do it because it's just what you do.
Frankie: Here's your soup. With little crackers and everything.
Mike: Aw. I didn't want you to get it because I wanted you to. I wanted you to get it because you wanted to get it.
Frankie: Okay, then. [takes the soup back]
Mike: Frankie, I was kidding. You know I don't care what you want, just bring me my soup.

Quote from Frankie

Mike: I'm just saying there's a lot of bluster, but he seems pretty harmless.
Frankie: Oh, my God. Just because he likes sports doesn't make him a nice guy, Stretch.

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