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The Core Group

‘The Core Group’

Season 8, Episode 1 - Aired October 11, 2016

When Axl brings home his new girlfriend and Sue returns from Dollywood, Frankie wants to have a family dinner before they go back to college. Meanwhile, Brick hopes for a fresh start on his first day at high school.

Quote from Mike

Mike: Hey, look who I found!
Frankie: Oh, my daughter... the featured player! Oh, my gosh! Tell me all about it!
Sue: Oh, can you believe it? I was Girl In The Well for 14 1/2 performances! And people loved us! I could tell they wanted to give us a standing ovation, but a lot of them were in wheelchairs. No, not for a sad reason. They were just fat.
Mike: I'm gonna watch TV.
Frankie: Wha... You couldn't wait for her to get home and now you're done?
Mike: Yeah, she's home.


Quote from Sue

Sue: You know, I feel like I really had an effect on people. Like, I heard a girl in line say, "Who said what?!" [chuckles] I mean, she went home thinking that she could be Girl In The Well, or "Who Said What" Girl. I didn't have an official name. This one nasty kid called me "Sewer Head," but I think he had other issues 'cause I saw him punch his mom.
Frankie: Honey, take a breath. I'm afraid you're gonna pass out.
Sue: [exhales deeply] Okay. Anyway, it all led to an epiphany. I am going to make acting my major. [squeals]
Frankie: Oh, well... you don't have to make that decision right now.
Sue: You're right because it's already made. If there is one thing I learned from watching Dolly Parton's life story on a loop every nine minutes, it's that you got to be all in! No backup plan!
Mike: [o.s.] Hey! Little quieter in there... trying to watch.
Frankie: He's so happy you're home.

Quote from Axl

Axl: This is her! Mwah! Hey, babe. Find the place okay?
April: I think so. This is it, right?
Axl: Mm.
April: I had a little trouble at first. You said to go south on Glenville, but you didn't say if it was your south or my south.

Quote from Axl

Frankie: So, April, this guy never tells us anything. So how exactly did you two meet?
April: Oh, my gosh. It's such a good story. He saw me, and he came over... [chuckles] He said hi, and I said hi. [silence]
Frankie: Oh. Oh, that is a good story. [chuckles]
Axl: Especially the way she tells it. [Frankie chuckles uneasily]
Mike: So, April, are you from around here?
April: Well, not this street, but I graduated from Orson CC. That's community college. Now I work at Orson CC. That stands for country club. It's confusing. I mean, let's use some other letters of the alphabet, people. There's like 35 of them. But I love my job. It's so... oh, what's the word? Good.
Frankie: [v.o.] So after 20 more minutes of scintillating conversation with April and hearing how she thinks world peace would be... good, she and Axl were off to the movies.

Quote from Sue

Sue: Hey, Brick! Oh. Super psyched about changing my major to theater. Yep, I am all-in. No backup plan. And yet, so few make it. Maybe I do need a backup plan. But maybe those who make it only make it because they don't have a backup plan. But if I don't have a backup plan and I fail, then I have nothing.
Brick: Sue, today's kind of a big day for me. I grew my hair the perfect amount, I'm rocking new jeans, I even have a normal backpack. No more pizza bag.
Sue: Oh, my God, Brick, I am so sorry. It's your first day of high school! Uh! How are you feeling? Are you excited? Are you nervous? Oh, man, I envy you that you do not have to make any big life decisions yet. I mean, I did, but I am totally fine with it. Yeah. No regrets here.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: So, I was thinking if we pack smart, I think we can get you up to school in one car. Oh, and we can stop at the new outlet mall on the way. They have a Wetzel's Pretzels where they only sell "oopsies."
Sue: Oh, actually, you don't need to take me. I'm gonna ride up with Jeremy.
Frankie: Oh, Jeremy... Tree Guy Jeremy. [chuckles] I didn't know that was still a thing.
Sue: Yeah, we've been texting a lot over summer.
Frankie: Well, that's just more free time for me. [chuckles desperately] That's great.

Quote from Brick

Frankie: [v.o.] So, Brick was ready to face his first lunch of high school. He had three dollops of spaghetti, two fruit cups, and one solid plan.
Brick: Hi, Duncan.
Duncan: Hey, dude.
Frankie: [v.o.] Well, he figured out the first part of the plan. He just hadn't figured out anything after that.
Brick: High school. Crazy, huh? [Duncan chuckles] The trays are on the left instead of the right.
Duncan: Yeah, I went the wrong way today.
Boy #1: Hey.
Frankie: [v.o.] Yep, it was all going well until...
Girl #1: I know that girl. Her Instagram has 5,000 followers. Let's see if we can sit with her.
Boy #1: That's the point guard from David Letterman Middle School. There's two seats at his table. Let's go.
Brick: No.
Frankie: [v.o.] Brick discovered he wasn't the only one jockeying for position that first day.
Brick: [touches backpack] Hello, old friend. [whispering] Friend. Whoop! Damn it!

Quote from Brick

Brick: Well, that was a bust. First day of high school, and once again, I'm the oddball who talks to his backpack. So much for a fresh start.
Frankie: Aw, maybe nobody saw you.
Brick: No, five people saw me. But you're right. High school is better 'cause only three of them made fun of me.
Frankie: Well, no one's making fun of you at dinner.
Axl: Eh, that haircut makes you look like a Muppet. Not a main one, like one that played a waiter.
Frankie: Axl!
Axl: What? You said, "At dinner."

Quote from Axl

Frankie: What a nice surprise to have April. Although I thought it was just gonna be the core group, so I wasn't prepared. So you think she's gonna stay the whole time?
Axl: I'm so glad you like her. Isn't she great?
Frankie: Yeah, she's... pretty. Although I was gonna make a toast, kind of just for the core group.
Axl: Did you notice how her hair smells like fruit? Not the real fruit, but the good kind, like in candy. And there's no drama with her, ever. It's just... the best. [both chuckle]

Quote from Mike

Frankie: [sighs] All right. I just want to say time is moving fast and these moments are fewer and fewer. And especially with the... the storm window of life c... [doorbell rings]
Mike: You're doing good.
Frankie: [sighs]
Mike: Team Frankie!

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