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Thanksgiving III

‘Thanksgiving III’

Season 3, Episode 10 - Aired November 23, 2011

When the Hecks spend Thanksgiving with Frankie's parents, Pat (Marsha Mason) and Tag (Jerry Van Dyke), sibling rivalry rears its ugly head between Frankie and her sister, Janet (Molly Shannon).

Quote from Mike

Mike: Is this one of those nuggets of happiness you were talking about? And by the way, why the hell isn't Gary out here enjoying this nugget with us?
Frankie: Because he's in his room working.
Mike: He's a chiropractor. What could he possibly be working on?


Quote from Frankie

Janet: It's just such a bummer, 'cause it was her favorite toy.
Frankie: Oh, she'll get over it. Stick a couple cookies in her mouth, she'll be fine.
Janet: Yeah, it's just so unlike Lucy to leave a toy outside. She's usually really, really responsible.
Frankie: Kids. What are you gonna do, right?
Janet: Right. Anyway, the bear was $60, and you can get him at the toy store at the mall.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: Mike, are you awake?
Mike: What do you think?
Frankie: I really think Janet wants me to pay for that bear.
Mike: That's 'cause she does.
Frankie: I can't believe she could act this way. I just think it's so wrong.
Mike: So tell her that.
Frankie: Oh, maybe I should just give her the money.
Mike: Sounds great.
Frankie: No. You know what? I'm not giving her the money.
Mike: Mm.
Frankie: She and Gary are doing very well, and she knows we couldn't even afford to fix our roof. We can't afford to just throw away 60 bucks.
Mike: I will give you 75 right now to stop this conversation.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: You know what makes me mad?
Mike: Well, it's not waking up your husband. That's for sure.
Frankie: She's questioning our son's honesty. Brick said he didn't do it, he didn't do it. He didn't do it, did he?
Brick: I didn't do it.
Frankie: Brick, this is a private conversation.
Sue: No, it's not.
Axl: Wish it was.
Brick: I didn't do it.
Mike: Hey, hey. Everybody pipe down. It's almost 6:00 in the morning. I'd like to get two seconds' sleep before the sun comes up on another TV-less day.
Tag: [opens the curtains] Happy Thanksgiving!

Quote from Mike

Pat: Uh, the defrosting seems to have sucked a little taste out of the food and Tag's used up all the butter, so I'm gonna need someone to run to the store.
Mike: Got it.
Axl: On it.

Quote from Frankie

Janet: Ooh, Brick, can you be careful with that frame? That's one of Grandma's favorites.
Frankie: He can pick up the frame, Janet.
Janet: Oh, okay, sure. But remember that one time when he broke Mom's antique vase?
Frankie: That was when he was 5. He's 10 now. He's fine.
Janet: Sure, but he still has his issues, right?
Frankie: What do you mean, issues?
Janet: Well, you know, he's got his things. He's, like, special.
Frankie: Brick's not special. He's perfectly normal. Don't worry about anything, Brick.You're fine.
[Brick almost drops the frame as he tries to place it back on the shelf]

Quote from Pat

Frankie: So I think she wants me to buy her a new bear.
Pat: Did she say that?
Frankie: Well, not exactly, but you know her tone, Mom. There was a definite tone. And it's not even the money that bothers me. It's the judgment.
Pat: I'm just happy to have both my girls home for the holiday.

Quote from Frankie

Janet: I'm just saying, since he's the one who broke it, they should step up and, you know, pay for...
Frankie: Hey.
Janet: Hey.
Frankie: What are you guys talking about?
Janet: Oh. We were just discussing how to prepare the corn.
Frankie: Oh, really?
Janet: Mm-hmm.
Frankie: 'Cause the corn is my job. So if the corn is being discussed, it's sort of weird that I'm not part of the corn discussion, isn't it?

Quote from Frankie

Janet: Hey. Are you sleeping?
Frankie: I'm just trying to take a little nap.
Janet: Oh. Okay. Just because you said you were gonna do the corn, so...
Frankie: Yeah. I'm a little tired. I haven't been getting much sleep down here in my bedroom.
Janet: You know what? I offered to give you the guest room when you got here.
Frankie: Oh, yeah. It was a nice offer. "Oh, I just thought it would be best for everybody, you know, with Lucy's naps."
Janet: For your information, Lucy's pediatrician said she needs a quiet environment to sleep in.
Frankie: Oh, really? She doesn't sleep well?
Janet: Yeah.
Frankie: 'Cause I thought the miracle baby just hovered over her bed on a magical cloud.

Quote from Frankie

Janet: Oh. And there it is. You know what? You have always resented Lucy because you never wanted another mom having a reason to be tired.
Frankie: What?!
Janet: Oh, you're always so worn out, Frankie, and you love it because you're a martyr. Every time I call you on the phone, you never have time to talk because you're so overwhelmed. Well, guess what? I'm tired, too!
Frankie: You think you're more tired than me?
Janet: Yeah, I know that I am. As a matter of fact, maybe I'll just lie around now, too. How about that?
Frankie: Oh, no. No. How could you be tired? You've got one kid. I've got three! Not to mention a full-time job and a house to keep clean.
Janet: Oh, right. You're all about the clean house. Look, we're just about to have Thanksgiving dinner, and it looks like a bomb got dropped in here.
Frankie: You want me to clean up? Fine. Fine. I'll clean up. Here. Here we go. I'm cleaning the hell up! Is that clean enough for you?
Janet: Perfect!
Frankie: Maybe I'll even make my bed.
Janet: Hey, there's a first time for everything.

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