Reverend TimTom Quote #23
Quote from Reverend TimTom in Hallelujah Hoedown
Sue: Well, lately, I've been having these weird feelings inside, and I don't get it. See, all my friends have been getting their driver's licenses, but I keep failing. And when Brad told me he got his license, instead of feeling happy for him, I just wanted to punch that smile right off his face. So what do you think that means?
Reverend TimTom: Hmm. Sounds like somebody's dancin' her first dance with that old friend the green-eyed monster.
Sue: What do you mean?
Reverend TimTom: You're jealous, Sue. It's a pretty common problem. Throughout history, many have felt its sting... Cain and Abel, Ishmael and Isaac, the Jonas brothers and 1D.
The Middle Quotes
‘Hallelujah Hoedown’ Quotes
Quote from Sue
Sue: He-he-he-hoo. He-he-he-hoo. He-he-he-hoo.
Frankie: Sue, you're gonna pass out again.
Mike: What is she doing?
Sue: I found Mom's old Lamaze tapes. I realized I have been psyching myself out for these driving tests. And if I can control my breathing, I can control my driving. [exhales] He-he-he-hoo. And breathe the baby out. Okay. All right. I am gonna go listen to "Fearless" by Taylor Swift one more time, and then, Dad, you and I are gonna go to the B.M.V. Whoo-hoo! Go, Sue.
Quote from Darrin
Sean: $147. Bam. That's it. That's enough to rent the Orson limo for prom.
Darrin: I rode in that when my grandma died. It was awesome. I rode the whole way to the cemetery out the sunroof.
Quote from Frankie
Frankie: [v.o.] Some you fail over and over, even if you've been given the answer key.
Frankie: Yellow pants? Are you kidding me? I told you what I wanted. I told you exactly what I wanted. I told all of you! Backmaster 2000!
Mike: Well, hey, you haven't even tried 'em on yet.
[later, Frankie walks out into the living room wearing the patchy, yellow pants:]
Mike: Hey!
Frankie: Oh, yeah. This is so much better. Who buys someone yellow pants? Did I say pants? Did I say yellow pants? Did anybody hear me say "yellow pants"? I mean, come on. How much clearer could a person be? You know what? Next year, just write me a check.
Mike: Hey. They're the ones in charge. I just...
Frankie: Oh, save it, buddy. You just wait until Father's Day. You'll see. Seriously, what am I supposed to do with these?
[later, at work, Frankie rolls up the yellow pants and places them behind her back on her desk chair]
Frankie: Oh, wow. That's not bad.