Quote from Frankie in Hallelujah Hoedown
Frankie: [v.o.] Some you fail over and over, even if you've been given the answer key. Frankie: Yellow pants? Are you kidding me? I told you what I wanted. I told you exactly what I wanted. I told all of you! Backmaster 2000! Mike: Well, hey, you haven't even tried 'em on yet. [later, Frankie walks out into the living room wearing the patchy, yellow pants:] Mike: Hey! Frankie: Oh, yeah. This is so much better. Who buys someone yellow pants? Did I say pants? Did I say yellow pants? Did anybody hear me say "yellow pants"? I mean, come on. How much clearer could a person be? You know what? Next year, just write me a check. Mike: Hey. They're the ones in charge. I just... Frankie: Oh, save it, buddy. You just wait until Father's Day. You'll see. Seriously, what am I supposed to do with these? [later, at work, Frankie rolls up the yellow pants and places them behind her back on her desk chair] Frankie: Oh, wow. That's not bad.