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Errand Boy

‘Errand Boy’

Season 2, Episode 8 - Aired November 17, 2010

Brick is fed up of accompanying Frankie on her weekend chores and asks to be left home alone. Meanwhile, Mike is worried about Sue when he overhears her new friend plotting against her, and Axl and the football team try to grow out their facial hair.

Quote from Frankie

Brick: Oh, you should've seen your face when the water came in the windows.
Frankie: What about you? You were sneezing suds. [both laugh] Oh, Brick. I'm sorry for what I said. Sometimes moms scream things they don't mean.
Brick: I'm sorry, too.
Frankie: It's just hard, you know. You're my youngest, my last one. I guess maybe the reason I'm not ready for you to stay alone - besides the fire thing - is because I'm gonna miss hanging out with you.
Brick: Me, too. But we'll still see each other around the house.
Frankie: Hey. I'll tell you what. When you can tie your shoe, I'll let you stay home alone.
Brick: Deal. We'll revisit this in ten minutes.
Frankie: [v.o.] It was more like ten months, but who's counting?


Quote from Axl

Axl: Got it.
[When Axl opens the door, Sean and Darrin are wearing long, fake beards]
Sean: Dude, where's your beard? You're falling way behind.
Axl: Very funny guys. Hilarious!
Darrin: Oh, relax. We're just kiddin'.
[After Sean and Darrin remove their fake beards to reveal lavish beards of their own, Axl closes the door]
Axl: Okay, new plan. I'm telling the team my mom forbid me to grow a beard, and I need to know if you'll back me up.
Frankie: Oh, of course I will. I'll just be needing a little something from you in return.
[cut to Axl with Frankie at a store:]
Frankie: Royal blue or sky blue? Oh, I saw a sweater in a store window in this color that I really like. We'll stop on the way home!

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