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Quote from Axl in Errand Boy

Axl: Got it.
[When Axl opens the door, Sean and Darrin are wearing long, fake beards]
Sean: Dude, where's your beard? You're falling way behind.
Axl: Very funny guys. Hilarious!
Darrin: Oh, relax. We're just kiddin'.
[After Sean and Darrin remove their fake beards to reveal lavish beards of their own, Axl closes the door]
Axl: Okay, new plan. I'm telling the team my mom forbid me to grow a beard, and I need to know if you'll back me up.
Frankie: Oh, of course I will. I'll just be needing a little something from you in return.
[cut to Axl with Frankie at a store:]
Frankie: Royal blue or sky blue? Oh, I saw a sweater in a store window in this color that I really like. We'll stop on the way home!

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