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The Days and Nights of Sophia Petrillo

‘The Days and Nights of Sophia Petrillo’

Season 4, Episode 2 -  Aired October 22, 1988

As Dorothy, Rose and Blanche stay home and talk about getting something done, Sophia helps a woman at the supermarket, conducts a jazz band, and volunteers at the hospital.

Quote from Sophia

Sophia: I'm having the usual as soon as the sausage guy comes. So, let's see, who's buying?
Esther: Pulse or pressure?
Sophia: Pressure.
Esther: 140 over 80.
Wanda: 130 over 80.
Esther: 120 over 70.
Sophia: Your treat, Esther. And I'd stay away from the sausage if I were you.


Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: I don't think a hobby is the answer for Ma.
Rose: Well, what do you think is?
Dorothy: Ugh, I wish I knew. Let's face it, life is as interesting as you make it, and at Ma's age it's harder to make the effort. I don't know. I guess I should be grateful she's at least able to get out, even if it is just to buy a nectarine.

Quote from Rose

Rose: Well, girls, since it's raining, we could tackle those jobs around the house we always talk about.
Dorothy: I'll change that bulb in the hallway.
Blanche: I'll hold the ladder.
Rose: I meant something like rearranging the furniture in the living room, or cleaning out the garage, or relining the kitchen shelves.
Blanche: Bingo!
Rose: Oh, bingo's fun on a rainy day.

Quote from Blanche

Rose: I thought we were gonna divide up work.
Blanche: That's right. Rose, make a pot of coffee, Dorothy get the plates, and I'll just tear into these suckers.

Quote from Sophia

Sophia: OK, break's over. Let's pretend we know what we're doing and try to turn a buck. Come on, girls, give it all you got. Remember the clinic and work hard.Remember your art and be proud. Remember an F sharp and blow.

Quote from Sophia

Sam: Hi, Sophia.
Sophia: Sam! How are you doin'?
Sam: I'm feeling real good today.
Sophia: I know. Your strength's coming back, you wheeled yourself down the hall.

Quote from Rose

Rose: ... So, anyway, Lars froze solid right in the middle of the lake and the town fathers mistook him for Max Brinker, the inventor of Herring Krispies. Which, by the way, go great with borscht. But what doesn't? [bell]
Blanche: Cake's done. 45 minutes!

Quote from Dorothy

Blanche: Well, what do y'all wanna do now?
Rose: Well, we aren't gonna waste this day. We have to do something constructive.
Dorothy: Jeopardy is on in 15 minutes.
Blanche: Sounds good to me.
Rose: Let's go.
Blanche: I'll just slice up this cake and bring it in.

Quote from Dorothy

Rose: You know, it's a shame. We didn't accomplish anything today.
Dorothy: Of course we did. We found out in a pinch, fruit cocktail is not bad on a bagel.

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