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Take Him, He's Mine

‘Take Him, He's Mine’

Season 2, Episode 3 - Aired October 11, 1986

After Dorothy begs Blanche to take care of an upset Stan for the evening, she doesn't understand why they are spending so much time together or why it bothers her so much. Meanwhile, Sophia and Rose start a sandwich business.

Quote from Sophia

Rose: We're almost through with our half of the list.
Sophia: Rose, tomorrow I want to double the number of sandwiches. Grab some of that aluminium foil.
Blanche: Are you two still gonna sell lunches after that Johnny No-Thumbs leaned on you again?
Rose: He didn't lean on us, Blanche. He said he had friends who would lean on us.
Sophia: Well, I got friends, too. One phone call to Palermo and Johnny's lunch wagon will be wearing concrete tires.
Dorothy: Ma, come on, the only person you know in Palermo is Uncle Vito and he's a harmless old man.
Sophia: Harmless? Give him some piano wire, make fun of his limp and see what happens.


Quote from Sophia

Sophia: Okay. Here's what I figure your take would be for the first month. So what do you say? Are we partners or what?
Rose: Making extra money appeals to me but why the sandwich business?
Sophia: Because we don't have enough counter space to make kidney machines.

Quote from Sophia

Dorothy: Okay, how do I look?
Sophia: The outfit's nice. Now go put some make-up on.
Dorothy: Ma, I'm wearing make-up.
Sophia: Make sure you eat by candlelight.

Quote from Dorothy

Blanche: Dorothy, guess who's here?
Dorothy: My date.
Blanche: Your husband.
Dorothy: I don't have a husband. Call the police.
Stan: Your ex-husband.
Dorothy: I'll call the police.

Quote from Blanche

Blanche: Dorothy, in the future I would appreciate advance notice when you're expecting a gentleman. This time it's only Stan but next time it could be somebody appealing or charming or at least reasonably good-Iooking. No offence, Stan.

Quote from Sophia

Stan: Dorothy, could we talk for a minute?
Dorothy: Of course. But only for a minute. Come on.
Sophia: You bring your wife with you or did you make her stay home and clean her toy box?
Dorothy: Ma, don't you remember? I told you Stan and Chrissie got a divorce.
Sophia: I thought you said Stan and Chrissie got a horse. I'm 80. You gotta enunciate. Don't get me wrong. Horse, divorce, I could care less. I just hate being left with egg on my face.

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: Alright, Stan, what's wrong?
Stan: What makes you think something's wrong?
Dorothy: Oh, please, Stan. We were married for 38 years. You can disguise your bald head but you can't hide your emotions.

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: Now, what's wrong?
Stan: [sobbing] I lost it, Dorothy.
Dorothy: You never had it, Stanley.
Stan: The business. I don't know what I'm gonna do. Twenty-two years of sweat and blood and suddenly it's all flushed down the toilet like a snotty ball of Kleenex.
Dorothy: You could always write poetry for a living.

Quote from Rose

Dorothy: Hey, what are you two doing up? It's after midnight.
Rose: Sophia and I are going into business.
Dorothy: How did she talk you into this, Rose?
Rose: Oh, Sophia didn't talk me into it. As she said, if I had half a brain, I'd have thought of it myself.

Quote from Sophia

Rose: Besides, it'll be fun, Dorothy. Just like when I was little and sold Belgian waffles alongside the road.
Dorothy: You had a Belgian waffle stand?
Rose: Well, actually they were English muffins that I carved little ridges in. But people bought 'em anyway. I was cute then so I could get away with it.
Sophia: Don't worry, you get cute again when you hit 80. How do you think I'm going to peddle this slop?

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