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Like the Beep Beep Beep of the Tom-Tom

‘Like the Beep Beep Beep of the Tom-Tom’

Season 5, Episode 17 -  Aired February 10, 1990

After Blanche has a pacemaker fitted, she no longer feels comfortable with her body so she chooses to give up sex.

Quote from Rose

Rose: You know what I do when I'm scared?
Sophia: You toss your cookies.
Rose: I mean besides that. I sing.
Dorothy: You what?
Rose: A lullaby my mother used to sing to me when I was a little girl. So, when I'm scared or alone, I sing it and it gives me courage.
Blanche: No song is gonna help me.
Rose: [singing] Over there Over there Send the word, send the word over there That the Yanks are coming-
Dorothy: That is the lullaby that your mother sang to you?
Rose: Well, it was the only song she knew. During World War I she gave out donuts and coffee to the doughboys before they boarded the trains for Europe. It works, truly. She said no one can be scared when they hear that song, except maybe the Kaiser.


Quote from Blanche

Dr. Stein: How are we feeling, Mrs. Devereaux?
Blanche: A little nervous.
Dr. Stein: You really don't need makeup.
Blanche: Well, I wanna look good just in case.
Dr. Stein: Just in case what?
Blanche: In case something should go wrong. I've been to enough funerals to see how they make up dead people. They look like clowns. You expect to see a dozen of 'em jump out of one coffin.

Quote from Blanche

Blanche: Well, anyway, all the same I've gotta get busy writin' down my activities, and I'd better call Simon and cancel our date for tonight. You know, I'm really starting to care about him, and I wouldn't want him worrying about my recording his performance. You know how fragile men's egos are. One little thing like screaming out the wrong name, and they go all to pieces.

Quote from Blanche

Dorothy: What'd the doctor say?
Blanche: Oh, bad news.
Dorothy: Oh, what?
Blanche: Oh, he told me he was married.

Quote from Sophia

Blanche: It was like I was my own conscience. That's when I knew things were different.
Dorothy: Different how?
Blanche: I was in that gray area between life and death. The time has come for me to re-evaluate my life, for me to take stock of myself. I just know that there's a part of me that nobody's ever seen.
Sophia: I find that hard to believe.

Quote from Sophia

Dorothy: Hi, Ma. What you doing?
Sophia: Thinking.
Dorothy: About what?
Sophia: About wind, water, rocks. Man's place in the delicate balance of nature's harmony. Where we're going. Where the road ends.
Dorothy: Gee, Ma, I never knew you were so philosophical.
Sophia: I'm not. It's those damn Infiniti commercials. They're driving me crazy.

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: How'd your physical go?
Blanche: Oh, just fine. The doctor could not believe it when I told him my age.
Dorothy: Why? What age did you tell him?

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: Blanche, what is that thing?
Sophia: She's decided to install a change machine.
Blanche: Oh, it's, um, it's called a Holter monitor. It makes a kind of ticker tape of your heart.
Sophia: What's wrong with your heart?
Blanche: Oh, nothing. Dr. Stein just thought it sounded a little irregular. I think it's 'cause I was so uncomfortable sittin' there topless with a strange man.
Dorothy: Next time, just pretend you're at home and he's the bug guy.

Quote from Blanche

Dr. Stein: Well, nothing will go wrong. I've done this a hundred times. You'll be fine in a week. All we do is cut a small incision below the collarbone, make a little pocket for the pacemaker under the muscle, then feed a tiny wire through the vein and into the heart. Then the pacemaker gives little electric shocks to the valve which regulates the heartbeat.
Blanche: You mean you're gonna cut into me?
Dr. Stein: You did know that.
Blanche: Won't that leave a scar?
Dr. Stein: Two inches, tops.
Blanche: Oh, I'm sorry, but I can't have any scars. See, my clothes are all off-the-shoulder. Sooner or later.

Quote from Sophia

Dr. Stein: She just realized there's going to be a scar. It's really just last-minute stage fright. All my patients have it. [exits]
Dorothy: Oh, honey, I'm sure it'll be nothing. You'll hardly notice it.
Blanche: That madman wants to rip me open from stem to stern.
Sophia: Your two favorite parts.

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