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Family Affair

‘Family Affair’

Season 2, Episode 7 - Aired November 22, 1986

Rose and Dorothy clash when Rose's daughter, Bridget, and Dorothy's son, Michael, sleep together. Meanwhile, Blanche is on bed rest and it's not as fun as it sounds.

Quote from Sophia

Blanche: Alright, maybe you don't feel like talking to me or each other. But at least talk to your children. Tell them how you feel. Only, just make sure after it's all over that it's brought you closer together, not further apart.
Sophia: Who are you, Mr Spock?
Rose: I think you mean Dr Spock, Sophia.
Sophia: They're both real smart and they've got big ears, so don't get technical, OK?


Quote from Sophia

Sophia: Maybe you're all friends again, but not me. I don't forgive, I don't forget, and I'm prone to growing moles. I can't help it, I'm Italian.

Quote from Sophia

Bridget: Dorothy, Sophia, thank you for having me.
Sophia: Don't thank me, thank my grandson.

Quote from Sophia

Blanche: Girls, how do I look?
Dorothy: Blanche, where are you going?
Blanche: I have a date.
Rose: I thought the doctor said you were to take it easy.
Blanche: He did, but I'm just going stir-crazy. I have to get out of this house.
Dorothy: Blanche, I think you should stick to the doctor's orders.
Rose: I think Dorothy's right.
Blanche: Oh, nonsense. Who knows my body better than I do?
Sophia: Any man in Miami not attached to a woman or a respirator.

Quote from Rose

Rose: I'm going to get changed too. Bridget's going to take me to the House of Fabrics. They're having a big felt sale. I hope I just don't get too crazy.
Dorothy: Yeah, you'd better take a tranquilizer before you go. Remember, last time, you hyperventilated and almost passed out.
Rose: I never passed out at the House of Fabrics. I passed out at the World of Wool.

Quote from Sophia

Blanche: Oh, my back gave out.
Sophia: I figured that would have been about the third thing to go.

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: Oh, honey, what a surprise. You look great. Oh am I glad to see you. Honey, I have missed you so. Why the hell haven't you written, you little ingrate?

Quote from Sophia

Sophia: He's a musician in New York. He hasn't time to write.
Michael: Hi, Grandma.
Sophia: Don't hi me. You can't pick up a phone and call your grandmother?

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: I want you to meet my friend, Blanche. Blanche, Michael.
Blanche: I would get up but I've thrown my back out of whack...
Michael: You don't have to explain. My mother already told me all about you.

Quote from Sophia

Michael: My job at the jazz club ended so I came here.
Dorothy: Oh, and I'm so glad you did.
Blanche: You play jazz?
Sophia: The only white boy from Brooklyn who could scat.

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