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Family Affair

‘Family Affair’

Season 2, Episode 7 - Aired November 22, 1986

Rose and Dorothy clash when Rose's daughter, Bridget, and Dorothy's son, Michael, sleep together. Meanwhile, Blanche is on bed rest and it's not as fun as it sounds.

Quote from Blanche

Dorothy: Honey, what happened?
Blanche: Well, I was in my aerobics class when I noticed this gorgeous man checking me out. So during the buttocks lifts, he motioned for my number. Well, I didn't wanna appear easy, so I rolled over on my back and flung my legs over my head.
Sophia: That's what I call giving him the brush-off.


Quote from Sophia

Michael: Mom, this is the best breakfast I've had in ages.
Sophia: Me, too. When we're alone, she feeds me lumpy oatmeal and black bananas.

Quote from Blanche

Dorothy: Honey, how's your back?
Blanche: Terrible.
Sophia: What did the doctor say?
Blanche: Well, after saying I am the most spectacular specimen of the female anatomy he has seen since Miss Julie Newmar. He said I have a back problem.
Dorothy: Thank God you went to a specialist.
Blanche: He said no activity for a week. I have to wear a corset and stay on my back with my legs elevated.
Sophia: That's the same thing you did last Saturday.

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: It's not that we don't get on. It's just that we think differently. I think he should settle down and find a job. He thinks he should be travelling over the country, trying to find himself.
Blanche: Maybe what Michael needs is a little exposure.
Rose: Exposure to what?
Dorothy: To plutonium, Rose.

Quote from Blanche

Dorothy: Well, I remember the first time I felt I was getting older. I was visiting my daughter in New York. She had one of those old, walk-up apartment, five flights up. Oh, it got harder and harder each year to climb those stairs. And finally, one year, I couldn't make it without stopping. Boy, it depressed me for weeks.
Blanche: Oh, my God. Is that what I have to look forward to, 15 years from now?

Quote from Sophia

Sophia: In Sicily, everything is set up. Dates, marriage, death. Especially death. That's why whenever I go into a restaurant, I sit with my back to the wall. Except any diner in Newark, where if you're against the wall, you stick.

Quote from Blanche

Dorothy: Michael Zbornak, you get out of that bed right now.
Michael: Believe me, Mom, I'd like to. But in light of the fact my clothes are hanging on the doorknob, I don't think it's such a good idea.
Rose: Oh, my God. They're naked.
Dorothy: People usually are in this situation, Rose.
Blanche: Unless they're all dressed up in costumes. Sorry.

Quote from Sophia

Michael: Grandma, listen.
Sophia: You, listen. How dare you come into our home and act like a common gigolo? You've embarrassed me, your mother, our friends. Not to mention that poor, stupid, flat-chested girl. You've broken my heart. I'm ashamed to call you my grandson.

Quote from Rose

Rose: Oh, sorry. I guess I'm still in shock. I've never seen Bridget in bed with a man before. Except Raggedy Andy.

Quote from Blanche

Dorothy: What do you mean she is too good for him?
Rose: Well, he doesn't even have a job.
Blanche: Well, neither does Henry Kissinger but he's still highly regarded.

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