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Uptown Boy

‘Uptown Boy’

Season 10, Episode 20 - Aired April 19, 2023

As Adam decides to remake the "Uptown Girl" music video, he tries to be more of a "downtown man" to impress Carmen's father. Meanwhile, Erica is inspired by Baby Boom to become an entrepreneur with Beverly's help.

Quote from Beverly

Erica: I had this made for our new stall at the farmer's market tomorrow.
Beverly: Farmer's market tomorrow. Wow, this is happening so fast.
Essie Karp: Hm. You can stop it at any time.
Beverly: Tomorrow's fine.
Erica: We need at least 400 jars.
Beverly: [chuckling] That's a lot.
Virginia Kremp: Do you know what's also a lot?
Beverly: The amount of peaches we need to puree? Yes, good idea. Let's go, ladies. We'll need all three cars. Come on.


Quote from Erica

Geoff: My love, you're devoting a lot of time to all this. Aren't your law school applications due tomorrow?
Erica: I already dropped them off with Joanne. She's gonna mail them from her office. Free postage.
Geoff: Oh, I'm so proud of you.
Erica: Save that pride for when I'm running a baby food conglomerate.
Geoff: And when you're a superstar attorney.
Erica: Sure, both of those things.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] Yep, for my sister, it was Baby Boom or bust.

Quote from Adam

Adult Adam: [v.o.] No biggie. I had sports in my back pocket.
Adam: So, those Phillies. They suck.
Diego: [scoffs] Just won seven straight and they're about to clinch.
Adam: Yeah, but that sucks, right?
Diego: No, not really.

Quote from Adam

Adult Adam: [v.o.] Good thing I could talk endlessly about cars.
Adam: Ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo! I'd love to have one of these of my own. Does the engine purr?
Diego: What?
Adam: Y-You know, purr, like a cat? Meow!
Diego: Are you on drugs, son?
Adam: Time to kick the tires!

Quote from Geoff

Joanne: Where's Erica?
Geoff: She's at the farmer's market working on her new baby food side business.
Joanne: I hope it's going well because I perused her "Personal Statement" essay and I have concerns.
Geoff: But her applications were in sealed envelopes.
Joanne: Read.
Erica: "What it means to be a lawyer." "Eh, it is what it is."
Geoff: Oh, no! That's nowhere near 600 words!

Quote from Erica

Virginia Kremp: Wow, Bevy. Uh, people sure do love the, uh, homemade baby food.
Erica: They do. Thanks for the inspiration, Diane Keaton.
Beverly: I love her.
Virginia Kremp: Such a treasure.
Erica: Incredible.

Quote from Erica

Geoff: Um, Erica, can I talk to you for a sec?
Erica: No. I'm sorta busy having it all right now.
Geoff: It's about your law school application.
Erica: Like I said, taken care of.
Geoff: Are you sure? 'Cause this last one, you ended it with. "Smell ya later, dummies!"

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: Ginzy, you're in charge.
Virginia Kremp: Well, since you have yet to make correct change, I think that's best.

Quote from Beverly

Erica: You're gonna run the day-to-day of this burgeoning empire, and I'm gonna spend more time with my daughter. Baby Boom.
Beverly: Bubbe Bevy's is the reason you don't want to be a lawyer anymore?
Erica: We're taking the world by storm. Suck on that, Gerber!
Beverly: Well, we can't take down Gerber because... we are Gerber!
Geoff: Whazzdatnow?
Beverly: I lied. This was never homemade. I just re-jarred their delicious mush.

Quote from Erica

Erica: No. No, no, no, no, no. This mush was supposed to be my way out of law school.
Geoff: Is that why you phoned in one of your essays, and then the other one, you just wrote the transcript for Eddie Murphy Raw?
Erica: I just know that I don't want to do what Joanne does. And every time that I think of leaving Muriel, I feel like crying.
Beverly: [sighs] Oh, Erica, sweetie. I'm so sorry. We didn't know.
Erica: I thought I could Baby Boom it like Diane Keaton and have it all. But now I... I guess I can't have anything.

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