‘The Most Handsome Boy on the Planet’
Season 2, Episode 9 - Aired December 10, 2014
When Barry is approached by a modeling representative in the mall, Barry is convinced he’ll be famous but Erica believes it’s a scam so Beverly threatens the modeling rep to give him a gig or else. Later, Adam runs into his Pop Pop, Murray’s grumpy dad, and thinks he can help mend the fences between estranged father and son.
Quote from Beverly
Beverly: You think you'll survive in Kokomo without your mother? Wrong! Kokomo will chew you up and spit you out.
Quote from Adam
Adam: Who watches E.T. and sides with the FBI agents? Who does that?
Quote from Barry
Talent scout: Sweet butt mug, bro.
Barry: Sure is.
Talent scout: Have we met before? Perhaps at the Gucci show in Milan, Italy?
Barry: Mmm, no.
Talent scout: Oh, sorry. Where do you model?
Barry: Where do I what?
Talent scout: Model. I mean, clearly someone with your symmetrical face, perfect bone structure, and jazzy hair is already working the circuit, right?
Barry: You know, that hadn't occurred to me yet, but it makes total sense.
Quote from Beverly
Photographer: You see, I get a ton of calls for mother/son teams, but it's always actors playing a part. I've never seen a mother love her child so much.
Beverly: That's because no mother ever has loved her child so much.
Quote from Adam
Adam: I don't get it. How do you not feel bad for E.T.?
Pop Pop: I felt sorry for those poor feds because they couldn't examine him properly 'cause that stupid kid was always getting in the way.
Adam: What?
Pop Pop: That Elliott ought to be locked up. You see something, you report it.
Adam: Who watches "E.T." and sides with the FBI agents? Who does that?!
Pop Pop: An American. That martian had a magic finger. We don't know if he can weaponize that.
Adam: It's not a weapon. That finger's for healing purposes only.
Pop Pop: But we don't know till we cut him up and see how he ticks.
Quote from Barry
Erica: Dude, you're not a model.
Barry: Just for saying that, you're not invited to my ocean-side condo in Kokomo where I'll windsurf with the Beach Boys.
Quote from Beverly
Beverly: Hey, Barry was born to model. Okay, maybe not born because of his skull shape. But when that helmet came off, it was like looking at a baby boy version of Cheryl Tiegs.
Quote from Adam
Adam: Man, I'm so psyched that we're seeing ET again. It's the tenth time but it feels like the third.
Quote from Pops
Pops: After twenty-five years, the man cries at a puppet. It makes no sense.