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The Kremps

‘The Kremps’

Season 1, Episode 8 - Aired November 12, 2013

Adam makes a new friend in Chad Kremp, who Adam's geeky interests. Unfortunately for them, their parents could not be more different. Beverly tries to invite them to a barbecue, but the respectable Kremps dodge her invitation. Unfortunately, nobody can dodge Beverly Goldberg forever. When Beverly's insistence pays off, the Kremps come over for a barbecue, but soon Adam's at risk of losing his best friend.

Quote from Murray

Barry: Dad, we gotta get a second phone line.
Murray: Two phone lines? What does this look like, the White House?


Quote from Murray

Beverly: Well, that's the problem right there. You' not friendly, you don't say hi, you water the yard in your underpants. It's disconcerting. It's like you're trying to drive people away.
Murray: That's because I am trying to drive people away.

Quote from Murray

Murray: Oh come on. I had nothing planned this weekend. It was perfect.

Quote from Adam

Adam: What the hell's the H word?

Quote from Barry

Murray: What kind of moron gets stuck in a tree?
Barry: Adam said I couldn't climb this high. I showed him.
Adam: You sure did!

Quote from Murray

Murray: If you don't come down right now, I'm gonna go get the hose.
Beverly: You're not gonna spray our son.

Quote from Erica

Barry: Get off the phone. Get off the phone. Get off the phone.
Erica: Hold on, Lainey.
Barry: Get off the phone. Get off the phone.
Erica: I'm talking. Go away or I'll punch you in the soft part of your skull.
Barry: Mom told you not to punch me there.

Quote from Erica

Erica: Your life is so sad and simple.

Quote from Pops

Pops: You know, when I was your age, I was a radio man with the 103rd working with the French and the British. We shared one line, and we still managed to win the war.

Quote from Pops

Pops: A second line. Is that even possible with all those wires crossing in and out. Can they even do that?

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