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The Downtown Boys

‘The Downtown Boys’

Season 9, Episode 16 - Aired March 16, 2022

Hoping to avoid spending spring break at home with his mother, Adam agrees to look after Erica's apartment downtown while she's on vacation. Meanwhile, Barry wants the JTP to recapture their youth by forming a boy band.

Quote from Naked Rob

Jean Calabasas: Okay, I'll jump right in, or we'll never get home. Show me your moves.
Naked Rob: I have pretty severe arthritis in my ankles.
Barry: It's hilarious.
Naked Rob: Uh, is this gonna be high-octane?
Barry: The highest.
Jean Calabasas: How are your singing voices?
Matt: Not good. I have something called performance burps.
Naked Rob: I produce too much saliva. Will that be an issue?


Quote from Barry

Andy: I sing like an angel, but, unfortunately, I was just diagnosed with a rare condition called Dog-Hair Lung.
Jean Calabasas: I guess that's not nothing.
Barry: Damn right, it isn't. 'Cause Jean here is gonna transform us from a ragtag group with an alarming amount of physical and emotional ailments into a teen sound sensation.
Jean Calabasas: Why don't we start with some scales?
Barry: No need! I've already taken the liberty of writing an international mega-jam with choreography.
Jean Calabasas: It's called "Age Appropriate"?
Barry: There's a slim chance some of our fans might think we're slightly older than our smokin'-hot teenage personas. So I decided to steer into the skid, crafting a song that both rocks bodies and answers questions.

Quote from Erica

Erica: Adam, what the hell?!
Adam: Oh, right! The dishwasher. Thanks for bringing it in.
Erica: Who are all these people?
Randall: I'm Randall. This is Domino...
Domino: Hi!
Randall: Juniper... Roxie...
Erica: I don't want to know all these people. And, Adam, I didn't give you permission to throw a party.
Adam: Oh, this isn't mine.
Beverly: Who wants sangria? The peaches are from Carlos's bodega! Gracias, Carlos! We are gonna have such a good time being downtown girls.
Erica: Oh, no.

Quote from Barry

Barry: Ow! What was that?
Andy: Look, it's a bunch of kids smashing fruit like we used to!
Barry: Attention, random youths! Did you get express written consent to play our game?
Teenage Boy: What are you saying, old dude?
Barry: "Old dude"? How dare you? We're young like you. Maybe younger.
Teenage Boy: Judging from your use of the phrase "How dare you?" you probably have a bank account.
Barry: [laughs] Shows what you know. I don't.
Matt: Bar, you don't have a bank account? Not even a simple checking?
Andy: Gotta build credit, bro.
Barry: Never!

Quote from Barry

Barry: And I challenge our peers here to a game of smashball.
Teenage Boy: Bring it on, George Burns.
Barry: I assume you mean teenage George Burns, so thank you.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] And so began the most embarrassing game of smashball the JTP ever played. They whiffed bad. They swallowed their pride... and probably some seeds. And in a game that they created, a game with no real scoring... or means to determine a winner, JTP clearly lost.
Andy: Ugh, I think I have a grape in my ear. Also, how long has Naked Rob been in the bathroom? I mean, at what point do we check?
Matt: I'll go get some Nuprin from my car.
Barry: No pills! Our bodies heal themselves naturally.
Matt: It's more about pain management.
Barry: No, the JTP never give up.
Naked Rob: To quote the sloppily edited-for-TV version of Lethal Weapon, "I'm too old for this ship."
Barry: No, we are not! If anything, we're too young for this [bleep]... Ow!

Quote from Adam

Adult Adam: [v.o.] It was March th, -something...
My newly married sister was headed out for her honeymoon.
Erica: Okay, I'm off to the Poconos with my husband. Whoa, "husband." That sounds so weird. Am I saying it right? "Hoos-bond"?
Dave Kim: The Poconos? I thought that place was made up.
Adam: Nah, it's a place where young people who have no jobs or money go on their honeymoon. "Hey, we're married now. There's a tree."

Quote from Adam

Beverly: Adam, exciting news. I made us matching bed coats for our thrilling week of fun together.
Adam: Mom, I realize Dad's out of town, but it's actually my spring break.
Beverly: I know that, silly. Welcome to South Madre Island. [laughs] I bought a Frisbee and a couple of inflatable flamingos.
Dave Kim: Hey, just like MTV... [quietly to Adam] but not at all. I'm gonna go.
Erica: Me, too. Have fun in your spring-break bed coats.
Adam: Wait! Actually, Mom? Erica asked me to watch her apartment while she's away, and I graciously accepted.
Beverly: But that's... [softer] downtown, where the buildings and busy people are.
Adam: I would have loved to stay and braid your hair, but brother duty calls. [grabs keys]
Erica: You made a good choice.
Adam: Ultimately, I didn't have one.

Quote from Barry

Barry: Do you have pogo sticks?
Employee: This is a Shade Shack.
Barry: Dammit! What else ya got that can rekindle my best friends' youthful spirits?
Employee: Have you seen these? They're... red.

Quote from Barry

John Calabasas: So, dudes, for $99.99, I can turn you into stars. Or detail your cars. Either way.
Barry: You two, leave.
John Calabasas: Whoa! There's a man who knows what he wants. What do you want?
Barry: Your search is over. I got your next boy band right here.
John Calabasas: Excellent! I would love to meet this child that you are obscuring behind your strange body.
Barry: The child is me. I and my similarly shaped amigos will become the next Menudo. But, you know, in English.

Quote from Barry

Jean Calabasas: May I inquire as to how young a teen you may be?
Barry: What's with the Barbara Walters interview?
John Calabasas: Apologies. This is my younger brother, Jean Calabasas. And before you ask, different fathers.
Jean Calabasas: He wasn't gonna ask.
John Calabasas: Well, then, here's an answer to another question you have not yet posed. Yes, you're a star, baby!
Barry: I am?
Jean Calabasas: He is?
John Calabasas: I awkwardly just said it, didn't I? I took one look at you and your anonymous bros, and I can tell you, your boy band is gonna be a success.
Barry: I knew coming to the mall today would solve all my problems!

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