‘Island Time’
Season 7, Episode 19 - Aired April 1, 2020
Barry, Erica, Geoff and the JTP go on a Spring Break trip to a discount resort. Meanwhile, Adam questions whether college is for him after he flunks math.
Quote from Barry
Waitress: Hey! There's the happy couple!
Barry: Yeah, we're not married. I can't pretend anymore.
Waitress: Oh, no! Oh, don't give up yet.
Ren: No, he's saying we were never a couple.
Waitress: Okay. Mr. Ferguson, why don't you tell me some of the things that you love about Mrs. Ferguson?
Barry: But I don't...
Waitress: Come on. What kind of a two‐day sober buffet waitress would I be if I let you two split up without trying to help?
Barry: Fine. I guess I love how she can turn a bad situation into the most fun I ever had, and how she can turn strangers into lifelong friends, and how when she kisses me, wherever I am becomes paradise.
Quote from Murray
Murray: Bevy, I think you need to give the boy some space.
Beverly: Me? We wouldn't be here if you'd just stayed the bad cop.
Murray: Well, right now, I think he needs two good cops.
Beverly: All I want is for my son to get the best out of life.
Murray: We both do. I chose to work and not see the world. That was right for me. It might not be right
for him.
Beverly: But college is everything to you.
Murray: And hopefully, it'll mean everything to him. But he's got to find his own way there, and we gotta let him.
Quote from Beverly
Adam: Why are you here?
Beverly: Adam, I'm sorry. If you want to take some time off, I support you.
Adam: You really mean that?
Beverly: Yes. Kinda. Not even a little. Boopie, you've been talking about film school since you were in kindergarten.
Adam: But that was before I knew I didn't have what it takes to get in.
Beverly: Of course you do. You... You are so much more than a math score.
Adam: But that's all they care about.
Beverly: Then we're gonna make them see what I see... an amazing, creative kid who can do anything he sets his mind to.
Adam: Except divide fractions. [scoffs] You're supposed to multiply them? That makes no sense.
Beverly: It doesn't. [chuckles] But you know what does? Is we are gonna wow NYU so hard, they have to accept you.
Quote from Barry
Ren: Looks like I'm in the seat next to you.
Barry: Oh. I'll just do my word hunt and leave you be.
Ren: Cool. Cool, cool.
Barry: Sorry I made things weird. Spring break is supposed to be fun, not a dumb couples' thing.
Ren: [chuckles] Definitely don't wanna end up like them.
Barry: [scoffs] Totally. They're so happy and gross.
Ren: Ugh. [chuckles] Look. Those things that you said about me... they were really nice.
Barry: Well, I meant it. Every bit of it.
Ren: [kisses Barry] It wasn't all pretend... Mr. Ferguson.
Quote from Beverly
Mr. Perott: Adam, this play's incredible.
Adam: You think this could make NYU ignore my math scores?
Mr. Perott: Listen, plenty of kids are good at math. Not many can do this. I think we got a real chance here, kid.
Beverly: I never doubted it for a minute. Oh, my baby's going to Yale!
Adam: NYU.
Beverly: Well, we'll figure it out. [chuckles]