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Graduation Day

‘Graduation Day’

Season 4, Episode 24 - Aired May 17, 2017

As Erica gets ready to graduate, it turns out Beverly isn't the only one afraid of what the future holds. Meanwhile, Barry tries to make the most of the time he has left with Lainey, and Adam is surprised when Dana returns to town.

Quote from Erica

Geoff: There is so much stuff in here. What's with all these notes from your mom?
Erica: She put one in my lunch every day like a crazy lady, and I just chuck them in here.
Geoff: "Dear Schmoo, I love you more today than I ever have before. I am here for you always."
Erica: Okay, that one's kind of sweet.
Geoff: "Dear Boopie, you're a perfect angel, and Drew Kremp doesn't deserve you. P.S. his Mustang now has some serious scratches"?
Erica: Holy crap. She's the one who keyed Drew's car?!
Geoff: "Dear Squishy, I know change is hard, but I promise you, sweetie, your boobies will grow just like the rest of you." Okay, maybe I shouldn't read all these.


Quote from Beverly

Erica: This is exactly why I can't wait to leave this house and never come back.
Beverly: Oh, poop. We both know you're gonna miss my cuddles and snuggies and plubbies next year.
Erica: I'm sorry. "Plubbies"?
Beverly: It's something I've been workshopping, and I think it's ready to go. [chuckles] Guard your belly button.

Quote from Beverly

Erica: Mom, face it. Our family is changing. Everything that you've come to know over the past few years is about to be turned on its head.
Beverly: Don't say that! The Goldbergs will always stay the same. Nothing will ever change in this house.
Barry: Nothing except Lainey leaving for fashion school and basically taking a dump on my dreams.
Beverly: Okay, fine. I acknowledge that's also big. Erica and Lainey are going to college. But that's it. No more changes.
Adam: Hey, Ma, can you pick up some Bic razors? Mine's a little dull from scraping the old scruff.
Beverly: No! Bad boy! You do not shave!
Adam: I gotta. My old lady, Jackie, likes me smooth.
Beverly: But I'm your old lady.
Adam: You know, saying that kind of stuff was cute when I was a tiny child, but now it's getting weird.
Beverly: Fine. Erica and Lainey are leaving. My little baby boy has grown into a gangly, deep-voiced, furry young man. But that's it no more changes.

Quote from Lainey

Barry: Damn it! Why do you insist on ripping my heart from my shredded pecs and punting it into a cauldron of flames?
Lainey: Look, we only have a few months left before I go to college. Let's not waste it fighting.
Barry: But I want our Barry/Lainey Summer of Love Farewell Tour to be perfect.
Lainey: And I want that, too, but this list of mandatory activities is just too much. I mean, come on. Look at this: Road trips, picnics, concerts, skiing, apple picking, berry picking, pear picking. So many fruits. I don't want to work this hard.

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: Screw it! I give up. Nothing will ever be the same again in this house.
Murray: I'm home. Nobody bother me. TV's mine.
Beverly: Never change, you beautiful, miserable man!

Quote from Erica

Erica: Okay, I'm all packed for college. Now all I need is to befriend my R.A. so that I can throw a kegger without consequences.
Beverly: [chuckles] Well, you're three months early. You haven't even graduated high school yet.
Erica: I may have jumped the gun a bit, but it's only because I'm counting down the hours until I get out of this hellhole. You get it.

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: Well, I still have three months left where you're my little baby schmoo that I want to gobble up because you're just so delicious! Nyum, nyum, nyum, - nyum, nyum, nyum, nyum!
Erica: Aww. Your mom-brain is fighting this. It's funny.
Beverly: There's nothing funny about losing a child. To college.

Quote from Adam

Adam: I don't want to overstate it, but "Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment" is literally the most important movie of our time.
Jackie: Sure, it's a critical darling, but if we're talking about laughs per minute, then you got to go with "Police Academy 3: Back in Training."
Adam: Point taken. Hey, do you have time to stay and watch "Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol"?
Jackie: Obviously. "Police Academy 5: Assignment: Miami Beach" comes out tomorrow, and we can't go in unprepared.
Adam: Oh, my God! I have a girlfriend who actually likes "Police Academy"!
Jackie: You just called me your girlfriend.
Adam: Oh, balls. Did I go I went too far. I went too far.
Jackie: I mean, no. You said it, so I'll say it, too.

Quote from Erica

Beverly: Erica and Geoff. So funny running into you here.
Erica: Damn it. She's got the chalkboard!
Geoff: Oh, no. I'm upset, but why?
Erica: That thing only comes out when someone wants something dumb that only makes sense with a visual aid.

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: Hey, there's nothing dumb about my Cuddle Calendar.
Erica: Oh, God, it's got a catchy, but terrible name. Run, Geoff. Shield your innocent eyes. Go, go, go.
Geoff: I can't. The board's blocking us. We're trapped.
Beverly: According to my calculations, you have 63 days left before you leave this house and break my heart, litelly killing me dead, which is why I made this schedule. To maximize mommy-daughter time.
Erica: Okay, according to this ridiculous calendar, I'm spending every waking second with you. When do I hang out with Geoff?
Beverly: Well, you see that little sliver? Right there is a little sliver. Well, maybe you don't see it, but it says "G.S."

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