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The Harder They Fall

‘The Harder They Fall’

Season 4, Episode 21 - Aired March 14, 1994

Will wants to take his girlfriend Lisa (Cree Summer) to Palm Springs, but he must first win the approval of her father, Augustus (John Witherspoon).

Quote from Will

Will: Whoo! I made it! I'm alive! I can't believe it!
Augustus: I can't believe it either. Your damn chute wasn't supposed to open.
Will: Yeah, your plane wasn't supposed to crash neither. I guess you just having an all-around bad day, huh?
Augustus: How the hell you land so close to me?
Will: I guess I'm just lucky.
Augustus: Mayday. Mayday! This is Afro-Niner 423. We've gone down. Our precise position is somewhere over some trees and rocks and stuff.


Quote from Will

Augustus: Ah, civilization! Two backpacks and, look! A broken radio. All we got to do is stay here until these guys come back.
Will: They are back.
Augustus: They are? Where? Where?
Will: This is our stuff!

Quote from Will

Augustus: You know what, boy? You've got a double order of lip. And I got a short stack of patience.
Will: What the hell does that mean?
Augustus: Put up your hands. I'm gonna give you a good butt-whipping.
Will: Look. Please, you're like 479 years old, right? And I ain't trying to be out here fighting no old man.
Augustus: Oh, fine, that makes it easier for me.

Quote from Philip

Philip: Look, my nephew is a city boy. I'm worried he might not survive in the woods.
Ranger: Oh, where's he from?
Philip: West Philadelphia.
Ranger: Oh, don't worry. If he can survive there a couple of snakes and bears aren't gonna bother him.

Quote from Will

Will: Man. Look at those stars. You don't see them like that back in the city.
Augustus: Yeah, too much light.
Will: You know, being out here in nature, two guys against the elements, it's like guys just naturally kind of bond with each other, you know? You come together through a tough situation. Actually start to like each other. That ain't happening with us.
Augustus: Not even a little.

Quote from Will

Augustus: Hey, what you know about some jazz, boy?
Will: Oh, man, my grandma used to play Ella all the time. Ella, Sarah, Thelonius, Miles, Bert.
Augustus: Oh, man, those were the days. Before the music died.
Will: Hey, yeah, you can stop there. The music ain't died. Now, you got Guru, Diggable Planets, A Tribe Called Quest.
Augustus: The defense rests.
Will: No, I'm telling you, they got a nice blend of the old school with the new. Lisa likes it.
Augustus: Lisa listens to jazz?
Will: Oh, man, we listen to jazz every time when we try to get in the mood... Is that Orion the Hunter? Look at that.

Quote from Hilary

Hilary: I mean, I always found it so incredible that only I could prevent forest fires. I mean, that's so much responsibility.
Ranger Franklin: You know, I really should be out there looking for your cousin.
Hilary: Oh, don't worry. Will likes to sleep in.

Quote from Carlton

Ashley: Will! Oh, thank God you're all right.
Carlton: The pool house wouldn't have been the same without you.
Will: Hey, thanks a lot, Carlton.
Carlton: [to Philip] There, I said it. You happy?

Quote from Will

Augustus: Where's that boy with that firewood? Wilbur!
Will: Yo, outside is a trail of hot sauce. Light a match, take you right to him.

Quote from Will

Augustus: Wilbur! Robin Hood, are you around here? Anybody! Red Rooster? Anybody, give me a hand. Squirrel! I need Give me a piece of cheese, I'm hungry. Little Red Riding Hood, where are you? Wilbur! Hey! They leaving me out here by myself. I'm scared.
Stage Manager: We need some more people, come on in.
Augustus: The Three Bears, where are you? Help me, somebody.
Will: John. The show's over.
Augustus: Help me, please. Where are you?
Will: John. You can stay out here if you want.
Augustus: Wilbur! What the hell happened to everything?

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