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Stress Related

‘Stress Related’

Season 6, Episode 3 - Aired October 2, 1995

Hilary is sick before a big meeting with a potential sponsor, so Will decides to take the initiative and get her some medicine. Meanwhile, Uncle Phil needs to get through jury selection to speak at Ashley's school, Carlton is hoping for a job at a bank, and Aunt Viv decides the family needs to start eating healthy.

Quote from Hilary

Will: Hilary. Come here. Come here. You gotta get yourself together for your sponsor.
Hilary: Oh, Mr. Pimple? Bring him in.
Will: No. It's Mr. Stimple.
Hilary: Bring him in too. The more the merrier. But we're gonna need some more tea.


Quote from Will

Will: You know, with a touch of henna and a kiss of ash blond you're gonna need yourself a beeper, girl.
Mr. Stimple: Diante, you're a very unusual man, but I grow tired.

Quote from Will

Will: Mr. Stimple. Look, my name is not Diante. My name is Will. I'm Hilary's cousin. Now look, this is all quite simple, Mr. Stimple. I'm sorry. Listen. Look, my uncle told me I should take some initiative, so I got the nighttime-so-you-could-sleep instead of daytime-so-you-could-think medicine, right? And man, how is she supposed to drive a tractor? So I said, "Aah!" And, you know, she said, "Aah!" You know what I'm saying?
Mr. Stimple: You're Hilary's cousin?
Will: Exactly.

Quote from Ashley

Ashley: Fine. I understand your having to work. I even understand you missing Career Day. But what I don't understand is how you could possibly send Carlton. I mean, you could've sent Mom. You could've sent Geoffrey. You could've even sent the pool guy.
Philip: He answered the phone?
Hilary: I understand you taking initiative. I even understand you giving me the tea. But what I don't understand is how this [holds up clump of hair] happened?
Will: Uh, see, well, you bobbed when you should've weaved.
Will & Philip: [in unison] Sorry.

Quote from Will

Vivian: Look at you. I can't believe you're acting like this. All I'm trying to do is look out for everybody here. Honey, don't you wanna live longer? Don't you wanna feel better? [takes a bite]
Will: Last one to Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles ain't eating. [all run out]

Quote from Carlton

Carlton: I understand there were other applicants. I even understand I was too young for the job. But what I don't understand is they gave me the wink and the gun. They gave me the wink and the gun.
Janitor: Buck up, pal.

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